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  • Users: ams4776
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  1. ams4776

    stuck for a kennel run roof

    okay I'm making plans to make a kennel run this spring and figured now is the time to start my blueprints and pricing. Im stuck on the roof though, I'm in north west Pa so snow is the issue for me. Im looking for a cheap way to roof it that wont buckle under the snow or get blown away. Im...
  2. ams4776

    i did it...

    I processed my first chickens. Under 1 hr to do 2stuff of em. Much thanks to so many great posts on here to read through. Im just so glad i got through the whole ive raised these guys since eggs thoughts. Looking fwd to chicken soup tomorrow now.
  3. ams4776

    wazine x question please help

    So the wazine x instructions are for 100 chickens.....should i cut back dosage for my 4 chickens or do it as instructed. The guy at tractor supply said cut it back but sometimes those guys dont have a clue. Thanks they def have the worms so need to get it done.
  4. ams4776

    coon almost got em!

    So was running late on locking my girls up. (Kids misbehaving before bed) went out with my headlamp to see eyes glowing in my run. Uhoh the coop is open. Grabbed my 22 and went out to see him still there. Well now there is one less coon to worry about. I know my run isnt completely predator...
  5. ams4776

    question on introducing

    So i have some hens i will eventually introduce to my adults. (They are youngins yet so wony be for a few months yet) but was wondering if removing an adult hen at the time of introducing new hens would be a good idea? My thought is it would mess up the pecking order enough for the newbies to...
  6. ams4776

    guess im trying a pheasant now

    So dh gets a text today. A friend has a 2 week old pheasant they need to get rid of. Well it will be here tomorrow. My single chick could use a buddy anyway i guess. Soo anything really special i should know? And hoping for luck even though this guy will end up as a dinner. Oh my dh first he...
  7. ams4776

    coon next door yikes!!

    So a coon has moved in under my neighbors trailer. Just looking for extra protection ideas since trapping wont work (to many darn cats) was also thinking of having my male dog out back during the day to mark the place up. ohh the neighbors keep missing the coon when they see him. So far nothing...
  8. ams4776

    LG....need a way to control the temp better

    So my lg sucks at the temp. I do let it sit for days before putting eggs in. Was wondering if getting a cardboard box and lining it with styrofoam or insulation then placing my lg in that (but still be able to open it up) may help with the temp changes. Has anyone done this with success?
  9. ams4776

    I am excited

    So my LG didnt work for hatching to well. Have now determined it wasnt me lol. But tm my two chicks are gonna get 10 buddies. And to make it even better they are EE chicks for $2 each. Yay for craigslist on that one. They are the only chicks for sale close to me. Okay im just thrilled to be...
  10. ams4776

    help please

    Okay i have one chick whose been slowly getting out since yesterday morning. Should i give him a hand? My first hatch so noo real clue if they can get trapped.
  11. ams4776

    over kill on protection?

    Was thinking of setting a cpl leg traps in my run at night while the chickens are locked in the coop. This sound like it might save chickens if a coon or dog break in?
  12. ams4776

    how young is to young?

    Okay was wondering how young was to young to let my babies stay outside without a light? Itll be hot out all the time soon. I had a bad hatch (looking like if im lucky ill have 5 hatching in a few days) want to throw a second batch in yet i know different ages need different things. These...
  13. ams4776

    dog seziure

    Okay my 2 yr old mutt puppy had what we believe was a seziure today. He was twitching then started running crazily. Scariest part was the stairs he ranish up then fell down em. I carried him outside at that point. Didnt last more then a few minutes but noo clue as to why. Hes never had a prob...
  14. ams4776

    please help need advice

    Okay here is the deal on day 1 (Sunday) I had an unknown length temp spike of 105. I had to work :-( So I got the temp back its been great since. I tried candling a few today (day 4) and there is a floating dark blob pretty much. Def doesn't look like my eggs i havnt tried hatching. There...
  15. ams4776

    oh no

    First day in and i get home to a 105 incubator. Think they are fried or maybe a chance since only day one? So sad now just been a bad week all around.
  16. ams4776

    filling incubator tomorrow 5-7 anyone else?

    First time to incubate have had my incubator running and staying at temp/humidity last day. Tomorrow is the big day im super excited and nervous. Got 20 to put in
  17. ams4776

    humidity prob

    I cant get my humidity down past 70% i plan on putting the eggs in sat. How big of a problem can this provide? And any clue how to get it lower? I have no water in the incubator
  18. ams4776

    gonna try to quit again....

    Just any good advice for someone quiting smoking cold turkey for the millionth time? I know money health and i do think its disgusting smells. Its just hard and dont help dh smokes and will just hand me one when im being a meany lol.
  19. ams4776

    rooster in the nest box?

    Just an odd thing. Ive got plenty of roosts but my roo and 2 hens are sleeping in the nest boxes. My other hen likes the top of the bookcase we are using for the boxes. Seems odd since i kept reading about them roosting for the night. Any ideas why?
  20. ams4776

    comp fan in a still air incubator

    I bought a still air incubator and have actually 2 comp fans i can place inside. Is one enough (holds 40cl chicken eggs onlu doong like 20) or would two fans be even better? Not sure and my first time im gonna incubate
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