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  1. BlueJayFarm


    Hello Oregon Peeps, I have a beautiful boy looking for a flock of his own: Well-bred Barred Plymouth Rock rooster. 6 months old. Bred to standard. Beautiful stock from a breeder- much higher quality than hatchery birds. Show quality/breeder quality, productive, and well-mannered. Very...
  2. BlueJayFarm


    Two Welsummer cockerels. Hatched March 7. Boring, OR. $10.
  3. BlueJayFarm


    Hey Oregon peeps! I have a few cockerels in need of homes and girls of their own! I raise rare BBS Breda and have a splash Breda boy and a blue Breda boy. I also have a gold partridge Brahma boy who loves being carried around. He is getting huge and it's funny carrying him around the yard to...
  4. BlueJayFarm


    Good to know!
  5. BlueJayFarm


    Nice! I thought in Portland you could only have three. We won't tell! They look like happy girlies.
  6. BlueJayFarm


    It could have been killed by a bird of prey, who often stun their prey by hitting them with great force, or strangling them until they die. Perhaps it got interrupted by something/someone before it could tear into it.
  7. BlueJayFarm


    I have a Breda rooster and he rarely crows. This is in part because I have a dominant roo with him but even when he has his own space and is able to crow in the morning, he doesn't crow anymore all day. Maybe you can try one of those?
  8. BlueJayFarm


    I was going to get some from Andy of Mountainview Orchards but he is on this side of the Cascades, so probably not an option for you.
  9. BlueJayFarm


    The juncos and BLUE JAYS definitely help themselves. My Breda are anti-bird though and chase them off. Still, I have had problems with wild birds and their parasites. Sadly, I have stopped feeding the wild birds, which has helped more than anything. I hope it is just a waterfowl thing...
  10. BlueJayFarm


    I would freak out. OHSU would have to get involved!
  11. BlueJayFarm


    I also think it sounds like molt. My Cochin was hanging out lethargically (well more than usual) under the hen house yesterday because they are starting to molt. You and I are in pretty similar climates. The pillow fight look is juuuuuuust starting in my coop. Anyways, I hope that's all...
  12. BlueJayFarm


    I've been noticing a lot of molted feathers too but it could be my juvies. I hope you hen is okay! Can you submit a pic for us?
  13. BlueJayFarm


    Thanks! He is super sweet. It's hard for me to sell him but I have a mature roo and another cockerel. That would be great if you could see if your Boring friend would want him. I have two Breda pullets as well but they are not for sale. :) They'll stay with me. Look at my Breda girls...
  14. BlueJayFarm


    Hello Oregonians! I have to find a home for my blue Breda boy. I will be sad to see him go, but 3 roos is too many. He was hatched 3.29.14 and is crowing and trying to cover unsuspecting girls. He is soooo sweet. Very curious, always comes to see what you are up to. The Breda are very...
  15. BlueJayFarm


    I would say your grandma is right. That definitely looks like a pullet egg. Our Australorps start laying around 4 months, but 12 weeks sure sounds early. More like 16 weeks is normal. Do the suspected birds have red combs and wattles?
  16. BlueJayFarm


    I have two fans in the henhouse but am worried about Tuesday! They are out all day but it's so hot in there in the evenings when they go to roost. :(
  17. BlueJayFarm


    Yes, and what's worse, Rose got a full mouth of soap too, but I quickly gave her treats and she forgave me! Here's Rose: So frustrating that you have all those freeloaders! You could keep the food up during the day and let them free-range, then put the food back down when they are in...
  18. BlueJayFarm


    I did the latter, but replaced the contents with orange dish soap. The culprit was scrub jays. I feel guilty suspecting my sweet Rose, but I got a wifi camera, installed it in the coop and caught a jay in the act! It had already taught the rest of its family how to do it too. They all got...
  19. BlueJayFarm


  20. BlueJayFarm


    New pic of Gus, in case anyone wants an Australorp rooster to protect their flock! Please let me know, thanks!! SOLD
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