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  1. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    Australorps are very friendly from my experience. Polishes are a fancy show breed. Not good egg producer. Ameracaunas can be fun. Good egg layers. They lay blue eggs.
  2. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    My Black Australorps are doing well.
  3. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    In my opinion animals don't need clothes.
  4. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    Now I understand. I breed primary for egg production, so I breeder for wider hips, and breed hens the lay longer, and secondary is looks. I like having a chicken following the SOP, I just love having healthy birds, especially when they show it through nice shiny, quality feathers, bright eyes...
  5. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    Not saying they're anti production. It's just the SOP is breeding for what's considered fancy and perfect to the eye than production, it can be seen in other species as well.
  6. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    Hybrid refers to species, crossbreed refers to breed. There's no grey area it's all black and white. Not trying to sound mean it's just that's a topic that gets to me quickly because people will say my Golden Sex link is a hybrid. No it's a crossbreed not hybrid. Spalding peafowl are hybrids not...
  7. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    I like purebreds as well since there's already crossbreeds but crossbreeds aren't always bad. For example the Sex link hens for brown egg laying, Cornish Cross mostly used for broilers.
  8. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    I don't mean for this to sound mean or anything but why is it that birds should follow the APA SOP? Not everyone is wants to show poultry in the advanced level, and some people prefer utility strains instead of SOP. SOP is more for show instead of utility like eggs and meat.
  9. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    The rooster shouldn't just go chasing hens and pecking them and not breeding. Only need for a rooster is breeding not causing a problem. Physical traits it's mainly up to you. My flock is a utility for egg production not show quality. There are others that prefer the show quality over utility.
  10. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    Biggest for me is a friendly rooster to both me and my hens. I have a BA rooster that has surprisingly become aggressive to his hens and has tried to spur me only when feeding. He never makes contact but he still charges. It's only when I try to feed them. He has 23 BA hens. My rooster will not...
  11. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    BAs are not known for brooding since they are a production chicken. Same with getting mean roosters. BAs tend to be docile, almost like lap dog but a chicken.
  12. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    Usually pasty butt can be fixed by adding some grit to their feed. That's what I've done and haven't had any problems with pasty butt.
  13. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    None of my girls have been breaking eggs on purpose so that's why the list kind of makes me laugh.
  14. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    My chickens get tomatoes, potato skins, onions, peppers, and if I have broken egg that is oozing I throw it to them. The only time I get broken eggs is when I have 12 eggs in one nesting box. I have 12 freshly clean nesting boxes but my girls will only us 3-5 nesting boxes.
  15. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    In excessive amounts it will but small amount no. I've given oranges and other citrus to my bird and have never had a problem and they are some of the healthiest birds.
  16. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    My dogs will never touch any of my birds. My neighbors dogs I worry about because they have hunting dogs. Chicken wire if you do it a certain way you can prevent or at least make it more difficult for predators to gain access.
  17. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    They are part of the herding group.
  18. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    I just meant they look over the edge of the nesting box to see if there's hen. They're open nesting boxes. Sorry for the confusion.
  19. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    I don't use curtains.
  20. Birdrain92

    Australorps breed Thread

    My Black Australorp rooster, Crow.
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