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  1. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Understood..we cleared a bit too. well quite a bit. it helps with preds too. Easier for me to toss clover, kale, spinach, and squash seeds in some of the cleared areas. With mild weather a lean to or A frame would be sufficient. RIR are pretty hearty birds. With a few roosts in the pen they...
  2. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    This is just my opinion and what I do. I hope this helps... When I incubate eggs I do not raise them in the house. They are also too small to be raised with adults. So they go out to a broody coop. They are exposed to adult bacteria and germs with out the risk of injury. This is my...
  3. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Penny, just as a suggestion, and for things that have never worked for me, make it large enough and tall enough for you to enter in comfortably and for you to house all of your LF you intend to have sleeping there at night next year. Why not make it outside the chain link, with an entrance...
  4. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I have had both production and heritage RIR. I have one production RIR left and she is 5 years old and still laying.she looks like heck, but...a good broody and mom. She is the exception for production reds. My Heritage birds seem to go broody all the time and I end up with no eating eggs. So I...
  5. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I have had that..and I do not wait to put them in the incubator. I take what the hen is sitting on, and everyone else's...put them in the incubator and take the next days clutch and stick those in the incubator. It will be a smaller hatch, but, better than nothing. I have been fortunate that my...
  6. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I am a chef and offer these bullet points about Heritage Road Island Reds Flavor profiles of heritage birds are wonderful.They give you so many different varieties All other birds taste the same.Just peel off the plastic wrap and go Heritage instead for a new experience. Broiling...
  7. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    How wonderful you are...after all your troubles with shipping I think I have all RC.. The combs are so tiny. I figure in a few weeks I will be able to tell better.
  8. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I like the hard feathering that is coming in on the tents of these is looking really good. They sure have wonderful personalities.
  9. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Penny, It sure sounds like you have a good amount to select from..did you order your second one from the same source?
  10. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Ryan birds? I can't imagine any of these birds I have here ever attacking me..they are so layed back..Of course all the birds I have had..I usually nip that in the bud pretty early.
  11. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I did not take picks of all of the chicks. I have 5 of them and yes the first two pics are the same bird. I need to band them soon or I will not be able to tell them apart. I have one of them in the basement I am treating. She injured her neck trying to fly and flew right into a wall. I was...
  12. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Bird One..I like this bird. I think it is a pullet I think this might also be a pullet..Her stance is a bit off, she has nice deep color, tight wings This one might be a cockerel I think this is a pullet..tiny lil thing next to everyone else.
  13. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Look like pullets to me too. They look really sweet! I should take picks of mine as well. It it nice enough out to try today anyway. Mine are so calm. Yours look calm too.
  14. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Congrats..we need pictures!!
  15. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    lol..I was going to say something but enough said.
  16. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Thank you for the was a pleasure to view.
  17. delisha

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    She looks like she has nice black tail feathers
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