
  1. A

    Best Olive Egger Crosses

    Looking for tips to breed olive Eggers with the most pigmented green possible. Looking to produce the greenest eggs I was thinking of using BBS Ameraucana hens and a Marans rooster or vice versa - opinions on this please Can I get the greenest eggs in an F1 cross? What shade of brown...
  2. thenovicehen

    Is this normal?

    My ameraucana molted at 9 months old in mid September, finished by mid November. We’re in Austin, TX for geographical reference. She STILL has not laid an egg. Is this normal? I feel like it’s not. Is there anything I can do to help her get her egg cycle going again? I’m more concerned for her...
  3. DavisHenitentiary

    ISO Bantam hatching eggs! Ameraucana and Welsumer ☺️

    Hello all! I am looking for hatching eggs to grow my flock. I am interested in bantam Ameraucana and Bantam Welsumers. I can pickup within two hours of 39465, Petal MS, or I’m open to having them shipped ☺️ Please help!!
  4. E

    What breed is this?

    So I adopted 3 hens from a co worker. She said they were Ameracauna. One of them lays blue color eggs and I think the other 2 lay greenish/tan eggs. Could they actually be EE? Or mixes? Something else? I guess the lavender one started out as a beautiful lavender color and now looks more like a...
  5. ThickenTheChicken

    Easter egger? Or ameraucana?

    What do you think? Pics included
  6. Barredrocker99

    Egg with no shell at all?

    Hey all! With the colder weather approaching, a couple of my girls are going through some pretty gnarly molting. One of my Easter eggers hasn’t been laying for the last couple weeks(I know this because she is the only one out of 16 chickens who lays very light brown eggs) due to her molt. Two...
  7. AleyMoore

    2 Swedish Flowers, 1 Splash Amerauacana - Dallas TX

    Hey all!! I’ve got two Swedish Flower Hen pullets I’m looking to sell, unfortunately they aren’t the color I was wanting in the breed and I want to keep my flock as small as I can while living in the city. Both SFHs are pullets and the Amerauacana splash is a cockerel. The two SFHs I’d prefer...
  8. G

    Can’t sex my Amerucana I thought it was a hen

    I thought this was a hen This is its brother
  9. E

    Age of egg laying?

    I am wondering about the age/signs of egg laying first time chicken owner here. They are 23 weeks old, we live in Michigan though. Will they lay this fall yet??
  10. L

    What breed and gender are these?

    I bought 4 chicks from TSC. Two are barred rocks and two were supposed to be NH reds. When neither of the chicks turned red, I looked on the internet and came across pics of Americana’s or EE that looked identical to mine as babies. Are these Americana’s/EEs? I know they aren’t reds 😂 they are 4...
  11. TundraFang

    What breed is she?

    Hi, so I bought some assorted blue-egging pullets and ended up with four Ameraucanas, two of witch are cockerels. This pullet is the only one without a beard so I'm assuming she's an Easter Egger. Can anyone confirm this?
  12. TundraFang

    Cross Beak Chicken Losing Feathers

    I have an Ameraucana chick that has developed cross/scissor beak so I've been mixing up baby bird formula and chicken food for her to eat. She (not sure the gender yet but I'm hoping for a pullet) comes to the door when she's hungry and has been consistently gaining weight. She's still half the...
  13. M

    Can anyone tell what gender this chick is?

    I have a young ameraucana chick that my broody hen hatched a few days ago. I know that it is really really hard to tell what gender they are when they are this age, but it is our favorite chick and so we are just dying to know. The pictures aren't very good, so I'll try to get more soon. Thanks!
  14. r_o_o_s_t_e_r

    My beautiful mutt, Pepper

    A while ago, i decided to try and hatch some chickens from our flock. I let 7 eggs incubate. all of these eggs were mixed with white crested black polish, as that was our only roo. of 7 eggs, 5 hatched. i was so happy about this. we hatched: 2 white ameraucana eggs 1 buff ee egg 1 white silkie...
  15. ChickenWhisperer101

    Show off your EEs or Ameraucanas

    Hi everyone. I got my first EE’s 7 weeks ago, and they are beautiful looking. I ordered 4 pullets and 1 cockerel, but I’m suspecting that 2 are cockerels and 3 are pullets. I want to see if anyone has roosters or hens that looked like them, but I also just want to see all the gorgeous roosters...
  16. H

    Help Sexing 8 1/2 Week Ameraucana Chicks

    Hi! I’m hoping that someone will help me sex my 8 1/2 Week Ameraucana chicks. I am confident on the gender of the other chicks but cannot tell if these guys are cockerels or pullets? Chick #1 Chick #2 Chick #3 Chick #4 Chick # The combs of chicks 4 and 5 don’t get redder than...
  17. fivechicks715

    Ameraucana or partridge olive egger

    This chick was sent to me as a “surprise rare breed”. I can’t tell from its markings what it is. I am thinking either an Ameracauna or partridge olive egger. Unless there is something else it could be?
  18. H

    Long time peeper, first time poster

    Hello BYC community! Have used this resource for years and today felt like the right day to finally sign up! Our journey with chicks has been a long and wonderful one. Would take too long to mention all the highs and lows but just wanted to offer that I’m here for continued learning from the...
  19. H

    Roo or Hen?

    I bought these chicks from Tractor Supply 3 weeks ago. The grey one is supposed to be sapphire gem hen and the brown one americauna hen. The grey one has me puzzled. Is it really a hen or a roo? Thank you
  20. B

    Is my ameraucana chicken a rooster?

    Hi, I am wondering if anyone can tell me if my ameraucana chicken is a rooster? Her name is Sweetie and my husband and I bought her among others a couple months ago as chicks/pullets. We are new to raising chickens. We have 11 total and we know the odds are likely to having a rooster. He heard...
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