indian runner ducks

  1. S

    6 Indian runner ducklings in London, UK (NW67DX)

    Hi, We have 6 Indian runner ducklings, 5 hatched 1.5 week ago and one 3 weeks ago. As we are keeping 3 adults as pets we are looking to give them away to a someone who can look after them.
  2. RunnerDuckMama

    Moving mama ducks and ducklings

    Hi All, I have two relatively new female Indian Runner Ducks and was advised to let them sit on their eggs as they came from a flock with a few males. They have been sat on them for around 28 days and they started hatching today. They are in an adapted chicken coup in a large fenced area that...
  3. E

    Indian Runner Ducks

    Hello! I'm new to the board and would very much like to network with Indian Runner Duck owners. We have four, six week old ducklings, raised from hatchlings at the same time. We live in semi-urban North Seattle, and have a half-acre. Have had nice large structure and 'house' and large run built...
  4. Bubbles & Nibbles Mom

    Duck has scratched his neck raw!

    We live on property with kids and their ducks. We have a couple geese and wound up being primary caretaker of the flock. Think the kids thought it would be fun to have ducks and eggs until once the novelty wore off . They took this little Runner in to vet a few months back when he first...
  5. Niche Flock

    My Runners have stopped laying...

    So my beautiful runner ducks are turning into quite the little free-loaders. I have five runners and they are all just over a year now (except for one older gal, but she gets a free pass if she decides not to lay anymore, she has earned it!) I am wondering if anyone has ever experienced issues...
  6. RunOver

    Guys and chicks

    Hey there, I just registered to this forum and I will introduce me shortly now. Together with a friend I run a garden with vegetables, herbs, fruits and some ornamental plants. Previous year we got another patch on which a fruit cage was build. So it is a kind of a little orchard surrounded...
  7. Exbattheros

    Broody Indian runner duck

    Hello :celebrate One of my Indian runner ducks (Emma) has became broody! She did this before around a month ago but after about 3 days of me being vigilant and taking the collected eggs out of her best she was fine! Although this time it has been going on for about 6-7 days now and Emma has...
  8. gingerviolinist

    Adding to my flock...

    I'm looking for opinions on adding to my flock. I have 4 9-week-old ducks, 2 pekin and 2 cayuga. I believe the 2 pekin are both female, based on voice sexing, but the 2 cayugas have been so quiet comparatively, I am starting to think neither of them will be female. I was hoping for 3 female and...
  9. TheResidentialFarm

    I sense a runner in the garden

    in case you would like to enjoy a song with an opening line applicable to my topic :p I know this seems trivial, but I'm mentally stuck and would love to talk this out with someone experienced with ducks and chickens-- I have 6 5-week old Indian Runner ducklings. My intention was to keep one...
  10. S

    Help! Unhatched ducks!

    I have 6 Indian runner ducks incubating on day 30. They have not started hatching and haven't internally pipped. However, after candling I can see that they are alive and moving round a lot inside the egg! They are so late but also so alive, I don't know what to do! Help would be much appreciated!
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