➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Currently have 17 of 22 hatched out. Concerned about the five left; no pips noticed and don't feel movement within; sure hope they didn't quit since they were SO CLOSE to the finish line. Incidentally, this was the best hatch rate I've had since I started incubating eggs, so must surmise that a little bit too warm is better than not warm enough; unless I find developmental problems while these chicks grow.

Can you looking into these slow pokers tonight with a flashlight?
Currently have 17 of 22 hatched out. Concerned about the five left; no pips noticed and don't feel movement within; sure hope they didn't quit since they were SO CLOSE to the finish line. Incidentally, this was the best hatch rate I've had since I started incubating eggs, so must surmise that a little bit too warm is better than not warm enough; unless I find developmental problems while these chicks grow.

Usually if im going to see problems with chicks from poor incubation theyre pretty obvious from day 1 and i think if you didnt see a yolk poking out a belly your alright. By day 3 i consider being past incubation failure and another problem with my setup.
I have flashlights (several), but even the strongest has a hard time seeing more than dark vs light areas inside. I've never seen veining while candling my quail eggs. With that in mind, should I try candling them anyhow?
Yes. Do you have a cell phone?

I found that the flashlight option on a smart phone points ng into the air cell side of the egg ( in a dark closet) really works well for quailie eggs.

The small thing on the phone that produces the light butts up against the egg real well.
Incubator cleaned and set another 53 eggs. These eggs have been collected over the past six days, gently turned daily, but may not be fertile as I'm uncertain if I ate the last male in the group or if he's just on the super-stealth; Have 10 birds in that cage, no crowing, and usually getting 8 eggs a day, one day I got 9, a couple days I got 7.
Interestingly enough, before I ate that male, I was only getting 2, sometimes 3 eggs a day from that cage, and the very next day blammo 8+ eggs daily. I have so much to learn; any insight is helpful.

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