𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 2𝐤22 ~ Flo's Hatch-A-Long ~

3 more hatched!!! 🐣 :wee:jumpy:yesss::ya

We’ve got a yellow one (probably will be white), and 3 black ones! One of the black ones has feathered feet, the other 3 are clean legged!

she hears something! :lol:


I’m so excited!!!
Well.. I withheld myself at TSC. I told myself, “I have enough!” lol.

They had eggzactly what I wanted!! :hit— Barred Rock pullets.

This was the hardest thing for me to do. Not buy those adorable Barred Rocks. 🥰.
I am proud of myself 😩🤚


They even had some adorable banties that caught my eye :he.

Well. I bought some chick food. But I went through a mental breakdown as well.
This is why I hate going to TSC 🙄🤚

ETA: Lesson for you all. Do not go to TSC if you know you don’t need more chickens. Choose a local feed store. :barnie
6 now!!! (out of 8)

I candled the remaining 2 eggs- looks like they are/were fully developed, which means 100% of our eggs were fertile :)yesss:)!

I don’t see a pip on either of the eggs. Hoping they hatch tomorrow. I’ll give them until Wednesday probably, or until the broody gives up.

6 chicks! :woot
We have a chipmunk colored one- the egg from my Buff Cochin bantam mix (my friendliest hen who lays TINY eggs), and the father is the Silver Duckwing Old English Game bantam (I know this because of the chipmunk coloring). I also expected this because they are literally married. He doesn’t leave her side, and he even waits for her to lay her egg or goes into the nest box with her
(unless she lays in the feed bag :lol:).

There are 4 black ones, 2 of which are clean legged, one has feathered feet, and the other, I couldn’t see good enough since it just hatched.

One is blonde, or white, and very big and clean legged. Guessing it might be a Delaware.

Blondie doesn’t look like she’s in the best condition.. I don’t think she absorbed the yolk yet. She’s very wobbly.

I found out one of the Black and White ones (with a spotted beak!) was hatched from the Blue egg because he has a beard and ear muffs :love!

6 now!!! (out of 8)

I candled the remaining 2 eggs- looks like they are/were fully developed, which means 100% of our eggs were fertile :)yesss:)!

I don’t see a pip on either of the eggs. Hoping they hatch tomorrow. I’ll give them until Wednesday probably, or until the broody gives up.

6 chicks! :woot
We have a chipmunk colored one- the egg from my Buff Cochin bantam mix (my friendliest hen who lays TINY eggs), and the father is the Silver Duckwing Old English Game bantam (I know this because of the chipmunk coloring). I also expected this because they are literally married. He doesn’t leave her side, and he even waits for her to lay her egg or goes into the nest box with her
(unless she lays in the feed bag :lol:).

There are 4 black ones, 2 of which are clean legged, one has feathered feet, and the other, I couldn’t see good enough since it just hatched.

One is blonde, or white, and very big and clean legged. Guessing it might be a Delaware.

Blondie doesn’t look like she’s in the best condition.. I don’t think she absorbed the yolk yet. She’s very wobbly.

I found out one of the Black and White ones (with a spotted beak!) was hatched from the Blue egg because he has a beard and ear muffs :love!

Hoping Blondie gets better!
Anyone want to try guessing who fathered which chicks? (@MysteryChicken @Rhodebar Lover @TheOddOneOut @EmmaRainboe)

I have a Sebright roo (had him for over 6 years, he's never fathered chicks ONCE [they are known to have very low fertility rates :(] and we've hatched dozens of times in the past), a Barred Rock roo, a Silver Duckwing OEGB, a Silver Duckwing OEGB mix, a Buff Cochin, and an Easter Egger X Cochin.

I already know the EE X Cochin fathered at least 1-2 chicks (I see ear muffs and beards), and I know the OEGB fathered the chipmunk. Any guesses for the others?
Keep in mind which have feathered feet and which don't (The EE X Cochin and the Buff Cochin roos are the only roos with feathered feet).

Just wanted to let y'all know that I have random "chick names" for the chicks, but they usually grow out of them, so I will probably need help naming them later on!
For example, Blondie is blonde right now, but will probably be white when she's older. The Chipmunk one is named Chippy, but as an adult, she will not have the chipmunk coloring.

(I am saying "she" in hopes of getting all (or mostly) hens :fl.

Tomorrow, I will be going to Church in the morning and evening, so I will not be on BYC much. Will keep y'all updated though!
Anyone want to try guessing who fathered which chicks? (@MysteryChicken @Rhodebar Lover @TheOddOneOut @EmmaRainboe)

I have a Sebright roo (had him for over 6 years, he's never fathered chicks ONCE [they are known to have very low fertility rates :(] and we've hatched dozens of times in the past), a Barred Rock roo, a Silver Duckwing OEGB, a Silver Duckwing OEGB mix, a Buff Cochin, and an Easter Egger X Cochin.

I already know the EE X Cochin fathered at least 1-2 chicks (I see ear muffs and beards), and I know the OEGB fathered the chipmunk. Any guesses for the others?
Keep in mind which have feathered feet and which don't (The EE X Cochin and the Buff Cochin roos are the only roos with feathered feet).

Just wanted to let y'all know that I have random "chick names" for the chicks, but they usually grow out of them, so I will probably need help naming them later on!
For example, Blondie is blonde right now, but will probably be white when she's older. The Chipmunk one is named Chippy, but as an adult, she will not have the chipmunk coloring.

(I am saying "she" in hopes of getting all (or mostly) hens :fl.

Tomorrow, I will be going to Church in the morning and evening, so I will not be on BYC much. Will keep y'all updated though!
Wait until they are older. You have a pretty large flock, lots of females and several males. The best time to tell is when they are fully feathered.

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