2+ Sebastopol eggs (fertility checked) 2013

Well Lisa the eggs came in on Friday afternoon... In perfect condition... And I just put them in the incubator... I am so excited I will let you know the progress.... If I have questions can I still get with you to ask them? Thanks so much and I look forward to see them hatching... Pictures to come....

Of course you can ask any and all questions you have....I love helping out and seeing baby gosling pics a month later!!!!
Good Luck!!!
PS- Also, read and follow Pete55's goose incubating thread in the sticky notes of the Goose section...so important for a successful hatch!
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Hi Lisa! Looks like all your babies are sold? I recently lost my sebbie mix and his friend needs a buddy. I was interested in getting another Sebastopol. Let me know if you have any more (or even older birds!). I am in New Jersey also.
yes, they're all sold. At this point, I don't have any eggs incubating...that could change once we're back for our son's Navy bootcamp graduation....the gals are still laying eggs. I have 4 from the past few days available if you want to try hatching anymore...I can't right now and they're not showing any signs of broodiness yet.
Let me know if you want any eggs....sorry to hear about the one you lost!

Thanks Lisa! I was hoping to get geese that would be big enough to put in the coop by the end of June because I will be leaving home for school. My parents want more geese, but I know they want them in the coop before I leave. I will keep an eye out and hopefully I can find something before I leave!
Scout has gone to the BROODY side- so whatever she has under her (2 new eggs and 7 old ones (i think too old to hatch)) are her's now. She's going to try her hand at being a mama...so I guess I'm going to close this listing for 2013. If anything changes, I'll update it then...
Thank you everyone- and i hope there are lots of little Sadies and Scouts out there from their eggs.....
oh what sweet pics! I love it.....are they on sand? I haven't thought of using that...how is it for staying clean and dry? I love seeing pics of our grandchildren
(goslings). ....

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