2015 HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long, Join us IF YOU DARE!

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when I told him lol
Yay my 8 year old son wants teeny fried quail eggs for breakfast like his friend lol so I'm like ok lets get us some quail. I'm in Canada so not sure it will help you but I ordered from P&L gamebirds.

Haha thats funny. My 7 year old son said the same thing after he seen the eggs. He said he cant wait for me to make tiny little hard boiled eggs he can snack on lol. Ya I dont think i can. Im in Michigan. Ill just keep searching lol. Thanks tho :)
:celebrate  Ok I couldn't decide between light Sussex, cream legbar or pekin ducks so I ordered 6 dozen quail (Japanese, texas A&m and button) instead for my Halloween hatch. I'm going to need a second bator now to do the others...

I have coturnix going too. I'm on day 4.
Turning the fan off for hatching is thought to keep the chicks from shrink wrapping. Although it might increase the time it takes for a chick to shrink wrap, it is not the biggest factor in this. The biggest factor or most common is incubation temperatures that are off during the first 18 days. There is also flock health and nutrition issues that cause shrink wrap\sticky chicks.

It is better to focus on getting good development during the first 18 days. Get a thermometer like the brinsea spot check, make sure the eggs are turned enough and use the cool down cycle. Sticky or shrink wrapped chicks happen because the chicks did not absorb the yolk and moisture correctly--in other words they did not develop well. They will not be very robust.

If they are from your flock, make sure that the breeding flock does not have parasites and are getting good nutrition. The egg farmer that I hatch for told me proudly that he fed is flock only scratch grains all winter! Then he wondered why he was getting low hatch rates. The flock never did recover from that mistake.

Note: Sally knows this stuff--I am posting for the group!
I never knew people did this, unless they used a still air because they just didnt have a fan... hmmmm odd
not a decision I would make though. to many pros to a fan the biggest is even temps if you ask me.
Haha thats funny. My 7 year old son said the same thing after he seen the eggs. He said he cant wait for me to make tiny little hard boiled eggs he can snack on lol. Ya I dont think i can. Im in Michigan. Ill just keep searching lol. Thanks tho :)

Hi fellow Michigander! :frow I am looking to hatch quail too for this HAL. :)

How about that... I thought ducks were seasonal layers, are you in a better climate? Or do Runners lay all year?

This is amazing! And you don't sew?

@kdunn, Kalua in your coffee kinda day? :lau. Nice way to put it...I've had a few of those myself. It's raining pretty hard here, is that reason enough? Although I am scheduled to carpool Girl Scouts later this afternoon, may have to wait till after dinner.

Haha nothing heavy. Fortunately im a light weight from being pregnant for the past almost 4 years (not continuously lmao) so just a splash gives me a nice buzzed warm feeling lol. No rain here right now. Its cold tho and windy. Hope you got your drink last night lol girl scouts?! Ya id need one hahaha.
Hi fellow Michigander! :frow I am looking to hatch quail too for this HAL. :)

Thanks for the link :) looks like they do have some!! Now to talk my other half into maybe getting some lol. We have 33 coturnix in there now on day 6 so maybe lol. Thats awesome your in michigan too! I used to be a Yupper lol but im in SE MI now.
I am not sure why Blarney uses still air for hatching, edit to add, most of us have found to use what works for us, in our areas, I have never heard of turning off fans for hatching, this is the time they need oxygen, and humidity. But I have NO NO NO IDEA what u are using
Again as I said in our PMs if u can get us pics more info we may be able to help you!

Fans back on as in PM.
Ya know......this is a very colorful thread! Foul of all types, sewing, drawing, cooking, costumes and contest photos! It's nice looking at all of them. For now this hatch due tomorrow is my last for ap a week and a half yayyy. Need a break. Too many trips coming up then settle back in for the ones I put in the bator yesterday

At least they're a decent hatch rate even if I did have to help to the point of exhaustion..........fun exhaustion lol.

Tai I tried making my own aprons from a couple patterns and failed miserably. It kept sliding over on the hen. Your's are gorgeous!

I'm excited for everyone with hatches happening and coming up. I'll post some pics too when my company gets here and settled in. A Chicken Sitter:) and a dog sitter, and.

That makeup for your son is amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Never would I have guessed he was 20
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