A broody coturnix??? New Photos!

I checked on her this morning. She is still a grumpy pancake
I am thinking maybe this weekend we might see a chick???
Now this is cool. I'm with Mrs. Fluffy Puffy, crossing fingers and toes for you.

I'd start checking Friday, they may hatch them more efficiently than we do. Hope she's sitting on at least 2.
I need to give her her own food and water dish and put some hardware cloth over the entrance to keep the riff raff out.

Oh crud! I am going to have to grind some food for the chicks aren't I? The chicks are so tiny! And marbles in the water...right?
I grind my baby J Coturnix (gamebird Startena) on coarse grind in my grain mill. Hope you can get small quantities.

I use the decoratve round dodades from Wal Mart in the fake flower section. 3 different sizes in 1 bag for like $3, cheaper than marbles and clean up easier than rocks. Hardest part is deciding what color you want. Works for my babies. I have Amber/Clear.

Come on its not that bad, she's the one going to take care of them. Your going to love that. Hope for females and more eggs. Work overtime so you can buy more Quail Feed.

We're the ones that are green with envy that our Coturnix aren't sitting. I may get a few of those nests for the heck of it for this winter. My little Vanilla English White j Coturnix is a little mating machine. Ya, I may do that, just to see what happens, probably nothing.

Don't forget we want pictures. Surely she'll let you look at them once they are dried off and want to run around. Proud MAMA and all.

OH, I want a Broody something. Not even my Barred Rock is broody.
Here is my bob pair. She is still broody and tried to attack me when I fed them. The male is very protective. They had 6 eggs but she is only sitting on one so I don't know if she is starting over or what.

Mr. Bob is a bit "active" if you know what I mean. He gets curly feathers when he is breeding and Mrs. Bob is the boss. These two have been together for a long time since their family of 40 got killed by raccoons. The other bobs are in a different pen. These two are just a pair and living on the front porch for everyone to enjoy.

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