A happy midpoint to a sad story, Buddy's saga, + photo

Thanks for what you have done for this poor baby. You have given him a chance at a real life!
Beautiful dog, thanks for being a good and kind person. I too have a "Buddy" I rescued. Somehow he "knows" I am the one who saved him, and he loves me, I can tell.

Thanks again,
He's adorable and looking well. You can see just what a difference you've made in this dog's life. There is a change in his eyes between the first pic and the last ones. They are softer more relaxed looking versus the deer in the headlight look.
I'm in such a confusing space right now. I could possibly keep him, but he and my GP have serious issues. It can easily take 1-2 mos. for the testosterone to leave Buddy - hence the aggression towards my GP (?) who is the dominant dog and "owns" the property and family. They must be separated at all tmes because of Buddy's lack of social skills. I will continue to research on the topic of getting incompatible dogs to make "peace"...
In my perfect world...Buddy gets a home with 1 or 2 spayed, subordinant dogs - a huge fenced yard - and very mellow, even-tempered human(s). Should I be contacting SANTA? It is early in the season...Maybe I need to fill out my request early...

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