A hundred bucks a meal? Are you guys pulling my leg? With poll

How many of you spend a hundred dollars on a meal for a couple?

  • I do weekly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do monthly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do yearly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have, but only a few times

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I never have but would like to

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! Are you outta your everlovin' mind?!

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
This has been very interesting! A big thank you to everyone who has posted!

I'm glad I'm not alone thinking it's amazing that folks do spend that much. And I'm sure not judging anyone, I think those of you can afford it and enjoy it deserve to splurge if it brings you joy. All the anniversaries mentioned and such I think is so very sweet.

I splurge a bit for our annivesary on the years I can afford to and I'm lucky enough to have a sweet wife that understands on the years I can't. But with us I usually buy her a nice antique glass paperweight for her collection (She doesn't like or wear jewelry or fancy perfumes), we always go out to eat, but never anything expensive, I do all the chores, cleaning, watching the kids, basicly everything that day so she can just rest or do whatever she wants while I treat her like the lady she is. I also take the kids to my Mom's for the night so we can have a night of "Just us adults together" time.

Like a few others have said, neither of us are comfortable in crouds or fancy places. I mean, I was raised with manners. I say yes Ma'am, no Sir, please pass the..., and I have never failed a single time in all these years we've been together to say "thank you Honey for the meal", and I try and keep my elbows off the table and use a napkin and such. But at a fancy place I wouldn't have a clue what to do with all those different pieces of silverware. Unless I have soup all I need is a fork?
I've seen some of those places on TV where they bring you a plate and it has one bite of meat and three green beans on it along with a sprig of parsley or something and something sorta drizzled over it. I like a little more food on my plate.
If I'm hungry I like to go get me another plate too.

I don't drink so never buy wine, I do tip a bit depending on the service because my wife and I both have worked at jobs in the past where we depended on those tips.

I think Junior must be my brother because I don't own a suit either. Anyplace I can't go in my jeans I probably don't need to be anyway.

I've never been on a vacation either. Every summer we try and take the kids to the zoo or a museum, but we are always home in time to feed the critters and so I can sleep in my own comfy bed.

As far as saving money on groceries, our garden is about 100' X 250' and is planted near year around in something. My wife cans around a thousand jars of food a year if you count all the jellies, jams and such. Last year I think she told me she canned about 300 quarts of green beans. So if you think about it that's enough green beans to eat them 6 out of 7 days a week for one meal a day. I also hunt, we gather wild greens and herbs, nuts, berries and fruits. Plus we have cherry, apple, crab apple, pecan, pear and plum trees along with the grapes, muscadine and other vines. Plenty of fish and crawfish in the creek bordering our property and the Tenessee River is only about 10 miles away.

I'm just a boring guy I guess. A good night to me is sitting down to a meal that I raised and brought to the table, cooked with love by my woman, then sit out on the porch and listen to the whippoorwills calling, talking about our day and watching the chickens and kids playing and running. Maybe have a nice glass of tea and watch the sun go down and the kids chasing lightning bugs. Then ending the night with a little "Thank You" to the Big Guy upstairs for all the many blessings in my life.

Just another day in Paradise...
I have very fond memories of a special 30th birthday event. (I am going to be 58 next month.) I was in love, and this is a man I will always love, but now it is friendship love. (He broke it to me very gently, some months later, when HE found his high school sweetheart again, and was going to be investing solely in that relationship. I so respected him for that.... and I attended their wedding.)

ANYway, before that happened, he took me out for my 30th birthday to a special restaurant and hotel on the California coast. I had filet mignon for the first time in my life. Plus pate on fancy crackers as the appetizer - the one and only time I have ever, ever eaten pate, which was quite good, but I now refuse to eat it on principle - and flaming Cherries Jubilee for dessert. Plus a bottle of wonderful wine with dinner, of course. I know he sunk a whole ton o' money on that dinner alone, well over $200.00. (In 1983 money, which was rather available back then, but did buy a lot more than it does now.)

We watched the sunset over the ocean from our hotel room, and in the morning sat out on the balcony drinking our Mimosas and coffe to see pods of grey whales swim by.

If that man ever becomes a widower, ain't nobody ever gonna get next to him any faster than I can!


Debi, I too love escargot.
Mississippifarmboy...your evening sounds like a perfect one! It's nice to sit back and relax with the family and mingle with nature. Here in New Jersey everyone I know is always on the go, rushing about never taking the time to smell the roses. Dinner here could easliy run up to over $100 just because it's so expensive to live here! A cup of coffee at DD for medium runs $1.91 and at Starbucks $2 35 crazy right? Like your wife I can my veggies from the garden etc teaching my children a simplier way of life..an art that seems to be lost here.
Tell ya what MSFB! If you ever find yourself in the PNW you give me a holler and I'll have y'all over for a six course fancy dinner and you can tip me with some hatching eggs
I am a good cook. But there is one thing I just can't cook well, and that is steak. My DH LOVES steak. So he grills it, and does a perfect job every time.


When it's a special occasion, like his birthday, he shouldn't have to grill. And what he wants to eat on a special occasion is a very, very good steak. So we'll go out to a nice restaurant, and he'll get his steak without having to cook it himself. Mind you, we don't go to restaurants that are so nice you can't wear jeans,
, since DH owns two things to cover his lower limbs - jeans and cargo shorts. But with appetizers, cocktails, entrees, and maybe a dessert to split, it's not hard at all to rack up a $100 bill for two people. Most of the time it's $50-75, but once in a while, we just splurge a little. We work hard, and we save for retirement, and as for the rest - you can't take it with you. Might as well enjoy it, I figure.

And my DH is worth it.
My husband likes to go out a lot since it is part of his job and his habit. He travels throughout the week and stays at hotels. Then, on the two days he comes home he doesn’t feel like helping me clean up the mess (I am a horrible cook that makes many messes cooking). Although we don’t spend $100 on any single night, it does accumulate to that easily by going to our hangout, which is a Pub. For us, after working hard throughout the day it is very relaxing to just go to a place dressed as we are (blue jeans, shirts, mucking boots) and hang out for a while and eat without having to raise a finger for the cooking or cleaning part.

It is a luxury and I am working hard to improve my cooking skills simply because we set ourselves a goal regarding paying off the houses and cars and I may not have a job by the end of summer since my company is ran by…well, you know where I am going. I look forward to living more “off our land”. I have successfully recultured old berry bushes that are now yielding tons of delicious and large berries, and I am trying to do the same with our fruit orchard. When we bought the place we realized we have an actual orchard right next to the house. There are apple trees, pear trees, peach trees, you name it. We have our chickens for eggs and meat and may start buying beef from a local farmer although we don’t eat too much meat. Hopefully, as I get my act together we will be able to eat at home more often as well and eat our own food. Eating out is very convenient, but granted, I would much rather eat my own homegrown food and meat than thinking about where the restaurant cut corners to save money and keep prices down- at least in our case. I just need to work on my cooking skills. It’s just not in my nature I guess…

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