Abandoned kitten....update...new pics on page 8

Hi I just wanted to let you know that having the kitten on it's back like in all of your kitten pictures can be harmful to her (particularly while feeding). It may look adorable but that is not how they are naturally meant to be and can cause formula to go into her lungs.
Just an update. She is doing really well. Almost doubled in weight. Very active and plays whenever she is not eating or sleeping. Just to put everyone's mind at ease since I've heard it a few times on here. She is NEVER fed while on her back. The pics that are taken are only taken after she has been fed, then burped, then some play, then a bit of sleeping on my chest (she is generally on her stomach or her side when sleeping although she does lay on her back on occasion) and I lay her on her back for the photo. I am being VERY careful to not get formula in her lungs. Here is a pic of her eating tonight.

Ok good, just wanted to make sure

I work at an animal hospital, someone brought in a kitten a day or so old on Friday, I brought her home to foster as well and have decided to keep her. Kitties everywhere lately!
You burped a kitten? Oh, yeah, she's not going anywhere. Anybody that burps a cat is keeping it, thats for sure. She is SO cute. I think you should call her Mittens.

Just wanted to let everyone know. Thank you for the great work you are doing. This little one has a forever home here. Currently we are at one spoiled cat named Kitty(so original), a rescue kitten that you know with no name yet, a very old lady rescue shar pei named Wrinkles and a very spoiled 14 year old pot bellied pig named Orville. Plus 6 turkeys, 3 peafowl and 5 chickens.

Wishing you good luck with that new little addition. Hope everything goes well.
Just wanted to throw out a big THANK YOU!!! to all that have helped us with information and kindness to help save this little one. Thanks to you all she is doing really well and appears to be thriving. I will post as much as I can about her continued improvement and growth. This is really the best forum I have ever been on with the best people.

A pic from tonight.


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