After raising poultry are eggs ruined for you guys?( I raise ducks but this occurs to anybody)

Speedy stopped and is molting, so now Isabella is laying and she already did her molt a few weeks ago. Donella is the only one that hasn't laid since July now. I think they're getting over our stressful summer, and fancy being gone. sugar is still too little.
I grew up on a farm. I've seen and done things no kid should do. Nothing like coming home from school to find your best friend the steer hanging from the butcher truck. :(

I didn’t live on a farm, but we raised pigs down the street - Oliver tasted awesome! My neighbor also let us watch him chop off the chicken’s heads and they ran around afterward. They were tasty, too!
Anybody have anything to say about eggs? I have not been wanting to check my coop for them cuz there straw is so so thick that I have to go thro it..and I don't feel like it so I just have not been checking it for a while, and sometimes they decide to not lay in the coop but lay outside.....crazy ducks!

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