Anyone ever fake injured to see what your dog will do?

It's funny that you said this today. I also have low blood sugar on occasion. A few minutes ago I grabbed a piece of candy, because I was feeling a little low. Then I noticed that my female lab was locked by my side and following me everywhere. She acted like she does when she wants me to feed her, but I had just fed her about 10 minutes before. I finished my candy, and I'm feeling a little better, but she's lying on the floor right beside me, which is not normal for her. I told DH to keep an eye on me, because the dog thinks something is up.
I had a white GSD who hated water. She'd stand guard at the water's edge while I swam. As soon as I acted like I was drowning she'd start barking and swim out to me, grab my arm, and pull me back to shore. Nobody taught her that-she just did it!
My cousins' dog story

2 years ago during the summer, Annies' pit/boxer started to get very clingy. Rusty wouldn't leave her side. Needed to be near or on her at all times. He stopped taking off when he was outside.
Just do his business and come back in.

He started having accident messes and she thought he was depressed. She took him to a vet that put him on "dog prozac". It didn't work. He was still very clingy.

The following Feb. she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She was 39 myears old.

The DOG KNEW IT!!! We lost Annie on July 16, we lost Rusty 2 weeks later.

If we had understood his behavior the past summer, Annie would have been in a treatable stage one of her disease. Stage 4 is terminal.

Dogs have their own way of dialing 911. It has been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THAT SOME DOGS CAN SMELL CANCER.

This was a hard lesson for all of us. If my dog ever shows signs of a clingy depressive state. I will immediately drag myself to a doctor.
Telling your doctor your dog is acting odd probably won't get you very far though. Some of my doctors have had issues looking in to symptoms I've experienced recently that aren't currently happening while in the doctor's office much less something vague like that.
Dogs are amazing. After having my girl Spook as my Service Dog for 10 years, I've learned so much of what a dog can do. Spook would alert to when I was going into anaphylatic shock before I even new it was starting to happen. She eventually taught herself many of th e things that was setting it off. Spook would also alert to a student of mines seizures an hour before they happened. We don't know if she was picking up the kids smell through the heating/AC vents or what but she would start to pace and make me follow her to where the student was. It was a small school, maybe 20 rooms all on the same level. Medics and Staff alike were amazed by what she could do.

I'm doing all the things I did with Spook, now with Katie. All the same training. She is always within reach. Her kennel is on my side of the bed with the venting right next to where my head is so she can smell me. She has already started alerting to when I'm not feeling well.

I have always said, if my dog doesn't like you, I'm gonna be keeping my eye on you. Spook was and Katie is as social butterfly. She wants to meet everyone she passes on the street. Even the mean ol' vet has Katie falling at her feet. Spook would play frisbee in the yard with anyone who walked down our back road. However, you better hope the screendoor was latched if you came knocking because that short fat Cattle Dog didn't have her eyes on your heels but your gonads!!.

You would be surprised what your silly goofy, maybe even dopey dogs will do for you in an emergency.

ETA---One of my cats detected some skin cancer cells on my back. It was a mole and she wouldn't leave it alone. They froze it, removed it and then did sliced dicection of it. They found 3 cells of pre-cancer. That was it and that little cat found it!
I'll take your word for it. Not gonna try that myself.
I used to have a pot belly pig named Scooter that protected her back yard, does that count??
Any new people had to be introduced to Scooter and rub her belly. If she decided the new person was ok, then they were safe. But if she didn't like the new person, she never changed her mind and always tried to bite them. She got the drop on the air conditioner repair man one day and bit him on the back of the leg. He about had a heart attack, it scared him so much. I miss that pig.......
I just tried this with my GSD...he walked past my head and yawned!
He paced the kitchen looking for crumbs, then came back to sniff my head, and walked off again to get a drink. Oh well. He's probably desensitized to people on the floor, with little kids and DH doing somersaults in the living room.

I have very little doubt, however, that he would stand idly by with a questionable stranger, he's quite protective of his realm and people.

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