Anyone have heritage pigs?

No, but I was drooling over a heritage sow and her piglets at the fair... Please post pics when you get them
One of my friends has heritage pigs, she just got them. I will have to ask her the name again.Sigh. I can be SO forgetful when it comes to names. It was something really weird though. I have heard of Tamworths and that isnt it.
I was on the list for tamworths this spring and the people never contacted us even after repeat enquiries as to if the piglets were on the ground yet. I really wanted those pigs. Just last week I saw they had an ad up with piglets for sale - with the same piglet photos from spring. I refuse to buy from them now. I am making due with my yorkshires and hampshire females.
We want to get some Yorkshires and Berkshires, too. Hopefully, we will get those pretty soon. I asked the kids if they wanted Santa to bring them piggies for Christmas. I just got the typical, "yeah right" look...
I'm getting a Gloucestershire Old Spot in a few weeks. She is coming from Illinois to GA. I will also get a few feeder pigs this year and hopefully can find someone to breed by GOS so I can have cross bred pigs to sell and raise as feeders next year. I'm so excited. I have never owned an animal with papers:)) Now I will have a pig with papers.
I would adore a Glouceser old spot...

However, I don't breed and only produce pork from weaners. It doesn't make sense to me to raise purebreeds (including heritage breeds) for meat. I only raise hybrids, typically Hampshire sired on pink sows.
Well my GOS is weaned, just waiting on her papers. I will breed her probablly to a yorkshire when she is big enough. Depending on how it all goes I may or may not get a GOS male. I just like the fact that they have been bred to live on pasture and eat leftovers. Plus I think they are very cute. I'll start a new post when she gets her complete with pics.

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