anything nontoxic to treat the earth with to kill parasites?


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
I am not sure how successful natural DE is...BUT I know a few of my hens have had worms- so I know there's got to be parasite eggs in the dirt in their run.

What can I spray on the dirt- or mix up in it that is non-toxic but will FOR SURE wipe out parasites??? Or am I dreaming? I just hate deworming---I hate the thought of parasitic worms even existing!!!! I am paranoid I will forget to wash my hands or something after touching contaminated soil---call me a clean freak- what can I use? Does DE actually do the job? and how do you know...I don't want to spend money on a product that won't get the job done...
It depends on how big your run is, what kind of soil, etc. The best way to deal with almost any parasite or bacteria is with air and sun light.

I would lime the run heavily to change the soil Ph then add sand to help dry it out. If you can rototill the soil really well, then go back a week later and do it all again.

You want to drastically change the conditions the parasites or eggs are forced to deal with. Exposure to light and air to dry them up is the best. UV light, sunlight, is the greatest sterilizer we have.

The worst thing you can have is a dirty, wet run that is a paradise for nasties.
Till in some lime (not quicklime, just regular garden lime). If you are very concerned, you might build a second adjacent run and use that one for 6 months of the year, or every other year.

NOTHING will "for sure" wipe out ALL parasite eggs. No matter what. There is no way of getting around it. We live in a parasite-filled world

Good luck, have fun,

Thanks guys!

I actually 'pooper scoop' up after my flock (only 4 birds) I would go in and pooper scoop as much as twice a day but no longer than every 3 days... So I'd say I keep'em pretty clean.

Also- I used to go in with a shovel and turn the soil every so often (so they could find worms and to upack the soil so they could scratch in it better).

So looks like I have been doing the right stuff....unfortunately we don't get alot of sun in that corner of the yard and we are city bound so have no other options as far as coop placement...I will get my husband to garden lime the heck out of it!!!

Thanks for the input.

so they could find worms

Eating worms is how chickens get a lot of parasites.
The worms are the intermediate hosts

All poultry tapeworms apparently spend part of their lives in intermediate hosts, and birds become infected by eating the intermediate hosts. These hosts include snails, slugs, beetles, ants, grasshoppers, earthworms, houseflies and others. The intermediate host becomes infected by eating the eggs of tapeworms that are passed in the bird feces.

The life cycle of the gapeworm is similar to that of the cecal worm; the parasite can be transmitted when birds eat embryonated worm eggs or earthworms containing the gapeworm larvae

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