Are runner ducks good fly Catchers?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 2, 2013
Canton, GA
Soooo I have 3 runner ducks coming to live with my chickens. It is my hope that they will cut down on the flies this summer. Has anyone else had any experience with runner ducks catching and helping to reduce the number of flies in their area? We had a ton of flies last year and I am hoping they help alleviate the problem.
My runners are pretty good at catching flies, but they cannot keep up in the hottest part of the summer. What works for us is fly predators and a few well-placed fly traps (I use Fly Magnets) outdoors, and the little tree vanilla car deodorizers at the door to the night shelter seems to discourage them from coming in.
I've never seen my ducks catch flies, but from the first year I got them I have had a drastic drop in flies and I live in a wooded area with nearby livestock.
I heard that you can sprinkle the black soldier fly larva around the yard and they would keep the flies away. But, I am thinking my chickens would eat them up. I am looking into the fly predators. Word has it those work pretty well. Maybe the combo of them, Vanilla car fresheners, the traps and the ducks will do the trick. *Fingers crossed* I did go ahead and order the 3 runner ducks from Metzer. I just don't have enough room for a big ole duck like a Muscovy. I am going to put the runners in with my chickens at night and let them free range with them during the day.

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