Asparagus lubbers VS Asparagus haters (normal people) welcome to the battlefield

What is the asparagus lovers ride?
Our (anti asparagus ) ride

Asparagus lubbers ride
The lubbers are just shocked. They dont know how to fight back.
You guys weren't supposed to start until midnight tonight 🤣
Do any of y'all even own a watch?

Whatever, anyways.

We've (TC, fluffy and me) intercepted your package, Whitey shot down the death star and hater Vader, and after a short battle with your five whimpy little roos (where bakbuk triumphed) we exiled all of you into a mud puddle for your crimes.
The toxic fire is now being dumped over your base. Your scrawny roosters are being eaten. We have an entire bunker full asparagus and fluffy shall never be pushed into a mud puddle ever again.

Thank you @ASH_TRAINER/@Chikyboy for giving us our info beforehand.

Asparagus shall live forever.
I tried. This is clearly beyond my ability to mediate. The best option is for those of us who wish to see a peaceful resolution to simply bow out and let them exhaust themselves with this. At some point they'll get tired of it.
How such an insignificant vegetable can cause such upset is beyond me.

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