Sapphire Gem 17 weeks, first two times from the roost and no shell.
Rhode Island Red 18 weeks second egg three days later, laying steadily in nest box.
Easter Egger 18 weeks, second egg 9 days later, laying steadily in nest box
Rhode Island Red 19 weeks, second egg two days later, laying steadily in nest box.
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte 21 weeks in nest box.

(I hang around the coop pretty close when they are ready to lay and even put them in the next box. So far, no hide-out eggs from these free-rangers.)

I'll update and add the Barred Rocks, Leghorns and Bielefelders when they start.
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My Black Copper Marans are 18 weeks this week. I have kept the nesting boxes blocked. Do I remove it before an egg is laid or wait until they begin laying?
This is my first coop. I have the 4 Marans hens, and one Marans Rooster.
I have never blocked my nest boxes. The roosts are higher than the nests, so that's where they naturally want to be at night - as high as they can get. I put a golf ball or two in each nest when they are about 16 weeks old and they mostly all lay in the boxes. I also have older hens to show them where to lay! I say "mostly" because I had one EE who seeed to just drop an egg out here, there, anywhere all over the yard, for the longest time! She finally got the hang of things but it took her a while, lol.

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