Do they do any free ranging where they could have been laying for the past year in a hidden nest?
Yes they do free range part of each day. But that would not explain the small size of he egg or the blood on it. These are characteristics of a pullet's egg, not those of a mature hen. It's a puzzle!
Yes they do free range part of each day. But that would not explain the small size of he egg or the blood on it. These are characteristics of a pullet's egg, not those of a mature hen. It's a puzzle!
Oh, I didn't read the post well enough. I thought the hen was 17 months and had never laid...
18 weeks for my RSL/leghorn cross.
28-32 weeks for the silkies.
23 and 27 weeks for the polish.
6 months, give it take a week for the Wyandotte, English Orp, Ameraucana and silkie crosses.
7 months for the Marans.

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