Good morning! I was wondering when did everyone’s girls start to lay? I have two Rhode island reds, two prairie bluebell easter eggers, and two light bramahas that are 16 weeks and I have a buff orpington, white leghorn, and americana easter egger that are 8 weeks. This is my first personal flock. What was your experience with these breeds?
I have Dominiques hatched April 7th and one laid its 1st egg today.20 weeks old


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Domonique's (one of the breeds used to create the barred rock).Long upright tail feathers (some curl down and resemble a rooster) upright posture,smaller than most standard breeds and have a rose comb. They're also America's first breed of chicken!I was shocked to find one laying today! 20 weeks old yesterday!


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Sapphire Gem 17 weeks
Rhode Island Red (bigger) 17 weeks
Easter Egger 18 weeks
Rhode Island Red (smaller) 19 weeks
Barred Rock 20 weeks
Leghorn 22 weeks
(seems very late--later than Sapphire Gem, EE, RIR!!)

Will Update with Bielefelders, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, and other Sapphire Gem.
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Yes..that’s why I got ceramic brown eggs..I hope they peck a few times and give up on that idea. Mine haven’t shown any interest in the boxes yet..I hope they don’t decide to lay underneath the coop, they love hanging out there in the cool, didnt see your curtains, I’ll go look..
I used ping pong balls! Nests are open since 2-3 wks ago. They were covered with cardboard up until then. My 6 pullet GLW’s are about 16wks old. I thought they were older tho when i opened nest box. They havnt shown much interest in the nests yet, but I hope they use them and I hope I’ll be ready when they’re ready! 🐓❤️
Mine are not in a flock of older chickens so they're on their own.I feel sorry for any chicks that grow up without an older flock or a mother hen to teach them anything.They get all excited when someone lays! Lol
Awww! Thats so precious that they get excited like that when someone lays. Mine have been doing well figuring things out without older gals. They finally started roosting without being right on top of one another, so thats a good thing. 🐓❤️

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