Sapphire Gems: 17 weeks and 20 weeks
Rhode Island Reds: 17 weeks and 19 weeks
Easter Egger: 18 weeks
Barred Rocks: 20 weeks and 21 weeks
Leghorn: 22 weeks
(seems very late--later than Sapphire Gem, EE, RIR!!)
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes: 24 weeks
Bielefelders: At 22 weeks comb starting to redden, investigate nest box!
Good morning! I was wondering when did everyone’s girls start to lay? I have two Rhode island reds, two prairie bluebell easter eggers, and two light bramahas that are 16 weeks and I have a buff orpington, white leghorn, and americana easter egger that are 8 weeks. This is my first personal flock. What was your experience with these breeds?
I have Dark Brahma. Assuming the Light are similar, the expectation from my experience would be between 27 and 31 weeks. Online resources disputes Start of lay ranges between Light and Dark Brahma - some offer the same range, some do not. Its not something I can resolve based on my own experience.

EE are mutts, expect a broader range than typical for an actual breed or commercially useful hybrid, because there is so much variability in the parent stock used to produceEE under the various descriptors offered for their anticipated egg colors.

RIR are one of the traditional egg laying breeds, and original parent stock to many of the modern commercial egg laying hybrids. As might be expected, they tend to lay moderately to very early. While I've owned none myself, I'm given to expect 18-22 weeks, with some as early as 16 weeks as not atypical for the breed.
Well, counting from end of April to now is only 20 weeks. My Blue Laced Red Wyandottes just started laying this week at 24 weeks. It's just so hard to wait....! Here's what their faces looked like right before: The comb and wattles get red and enlarged, of course, but it's a dead giveaway when the area around their eyes gets very red!
One of my black copper marans laid her first egg today! The first egg of the flock. 20 weeks and 1 day old. I was so happy I cried when I found this perfect little dark brown egg in the box! The white egg in the photo is fake.
That egg is beautiful, I can't wait. I have three Golden Cuckoo Marans 21 weeks no eggs. I still am concerned though.
Awww! I think I’ll cry as well when I see an egg for the first time! These are my first chickens ever and I am spending so much time learning and trying to keep them healthy and safe. They are 13 weeks and I’m currently spending a lot of time thinking about their egg hatches. I’ve had them blocked off, and am envisioning the girls next chapter! Have fun! 🐓❤️
Very well said. The next chapter is such a wonderful way to think about it. In June I remember trying to catch my penciled plymouth rock to take her to her brooder. It was six hours. Then out of nowhere she just jumped up on my lap. That was one long chapter!
With my first batch I got my first egg at 16 weeks and they started laying pretty steady around 19-20. I think I just got my first egg from this batch though it’s incredibly early at 15 weeks today. It’s much smaller than the rest of the eggs and blood streaked which usually means it’s a pullet egg for me.
Is that a Maran in your profile pic?

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