Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

I suggest you give here a wetted chick starter in a container can be a little over an inch deep. Place the container in front of her while she is standing relaxed. The put it up so her bill dips into the wetted feed so she can taste and possibly smell it. She may start going after it almost immediately. The slowly place the container down in floor as she pecks into it. She will find it again later by exploratory pecking.

Back off on the honey. Bugs in her gut may be giving her gas when so much sugar available. You see same problem when birds and some adult mammals consume lactose like in dairy products.
I suggest you give here a wetted chick starter in a container can be a little over an inch deep. Place the container in front of her while she is standing relaxed. The put it up so her bill dips into the wetted feed so she can taste and possibly smell it. She may start going after it almost immediately. The slowly place the container down in floor as she pecks into it. She will find it again later by exploratory pecking.

Back off on the honey. Bugs in her gut may be giving her gas when so much sugar available. You see same problem when birds and some adult mammals consume lactose like in dairy products.

I did try what you suggest, except not with chick starter, so we'll get some & try it, thanks :) And will stop with the honey
I've also been leaving a dish of dry food in her box with her, hoping she'll get interested in it.
7) Sometimes she shivers, does that mean she's cold? It seems to me like she is, because it's usually when her head is wet, but she does it other times when her head isn't wet, so thought I'd better ask... I do not know if she is cold but I have heard birds who are ill or injured can benefit from supplemental heat. Could you give her a heating pad covered with a towel on low in a part of her box so she can chose if she wants it. Warming might improve her appetite? What do you think @centrarchid @Wyorp Rock ,@Pyxis ?
I think your next target is to get her eating something - even if you make the crumbles real soupy with water and use a syringe to place some on her tongue? to see if she will eat. Did you try offering soft scrambled eggs? If anything, I think she would eat that.
7) Sometimes she shivers, does that mean she's cold? It seems to me like she is, because it's usually when her head is wet, but she does it other times when her head isn't wet, so thought I'd better ask... I do not know if she is cold but I have heard birds who are ill or injured can benefit from supplemental heat. Could you give her a heating pad covered with a towel on low in a part of her box so she can chose if she wants it. Warming might improve her appetite? What do you think @centrarchid @Wyorp Rock ,@Pyxis ?
I think your next target is to get her eating something - even if you make the crumbles real soupy with water and use a syringe to place some on her tongue? to see if she will eat. Did you try offering soft scrambled eggs? If anything, I think she would eat that.

I forgot about the eggs!:he But will try that as well!

I don't have a pad that will fit in there, but knowing she might want a little extra heat , in itself is good, I will keep an eye on her and if she starts to really shiver, like more than just a couple times, every now & then, I'll get her one & we'll figure it out.
Before I read your post, while I was holding her, the fan was on and I noticed she would shiver when it hit us, so turned it off and she stopped right away. I kept her in my lap and just kept petting her neck and back and she didn't shiver at all.
I've been checking on her, in the box, to see ig she's cold in there too, and so far, haven't caught her shivering, so I think I'm ok there. It's more like right after I spray her poor little bald head that she does it. From now on, after the spray treatment, I'll be sure she's plenty warm. (My son just had a good idea for heat, one of those rice bags people use on their necks, etc.)
I wasn't sure if it was because she was scared, instead of cold.

And yes, I agree, I think she needs to start getting some more solid food in her belly...she has had absolutely no interest in anything I've offered her so far :(
Even when I put her beak into it & I know she can smell & taste it, she doesn't swallow or try to look for it (like she'll now do for her spoon food)...I might end up tube feeding after all...*moan*, lol She's also still pretty torn up and has lots of healing to do...idk, hard to decide. As I write this, it has been one week since she became injured...I'll try the eggs tomorrow and if that doesn't work, we'll get some starter food and try that different ways...if that doesn't work, guess I'll have to bite the bullet and do the tube feeding...?
Although, people are put on liquid diets for long periods of time, and as long as they're getting the right nutrients, it doesn't seem to harm them (as far as I know, I'm not a medical professional)...but, then again, she's not a human...
Looks like our cat might have a sinus infection and if not improved by Mon, I'll have to call the vet. If he has to go in, I'll just whip out my phone and show them the pics and ask about Heni ;)
I saw in some articles/posts that you can tell a lot by the bird's poop..? So I thought it might help to get opinions on it, lol, didn't think I'd ever post poop pics on the internet, but here it is :)
She did eat some raw scrambled egg mixed with some Nutri-Drench, but not much and her belly is still rumbling, she hasn't had honey in several days, that's all I can think to add...
I was able to get some closer pics/better angle on her right and left eyes. Even if she can use the right, it looks to me, like she'll have trouble seeing past the skin tag thingy that's there now...thoughts?
RtRlyCloseGood7302017.jpg RtCloseUp73017.jpg
Still having trouble getting a good one of the open left eye, but you can kind of see it in this one, it almost looks like a white-ish reflection in her eye..I don't know, might be I'm just used to seeing it and the pic doesn't help at all...
Is this Dry Fowl Pox? How do you know if it turns into 'Wet' fowl pox? Should I post this in a different thread?
FowlPox7302017.jpg FowlPox ZoomIn2017.jpg
They white reflection in her eye means she's blind in that eye maybe not completely but she is blind to some point I have a blind hen who I mentioned on this thread before in this thread, and she has the white stuff in her eye too and she's completely blind in that eye
They white reflection in her eye means she's blind in that eye maybe not completely but she is blind to some point I have a blind hen who I mentioned on this thread before in this thread, and she has the white stuff in her eye too and she's completely blind in that eye

I'm so sorry, I missed that post somehow!? I've done that a couple times. I don't know how...but I just read it! It gives me hope for her too, and I'm so sorry about all yours getting taken! That's so sad :(
This one is extremely docile and I would assume she'll stay that way because she knows she needs help.
Thank you for your time and sharing your experience with me, it does make me feel better knowing others have had good luck and good times, with their disabled birds and that the birds aren't suffering. :)

(I will try to figure out how I'm missing these posts)
I saw in some articles/posts that you can tell a lot by the bird's poop..? So I thought it might help to get opinions on it, lol, didn't think I'd ever post poop pics on the internet, but here it is :)
She did eat some raw scrambled egg mixed with some Nutri-Drench, but not much and her belly is still rumbling, she hasn't had honey in several days, that's all I can think to add...
View attachment 1095821
I was able to get some closer pics/better angle on her right and left eyes. Even if she can use the right, it looks to me, like she'll have trouble seeing past the skin tag thingy that's there now...thoughts?
View attachment 1095829 View attachment 1095830
Still having trouble getting a good one of the open left eye, but you can kind of see it in this one, it almost looks like a white-ish reflection in her eye..I don't know, might be I'm just used to seeing it and the pic doesn't help at all...
View attachment 1095846
Is this Dry Fowl Pox? How do you know if it turns into 'Wet' fowl pox? Should I post this in a different thread?
View attachment 1095854 View attachment 1095855
@casportpony ...

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