Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help, I was thinking about that and very glad you think it would work too:D Or one of the cheap versions of the manicure tool that is basically a mini dremel...they buff, file, etc., & now that I'm thinking about it, I've seen them advertised for cat/dog grooming as well!
That way I can't cut the quick, and feel I'd have better control.
Thank you:)
I finally got one for my dog after I cut his quick once. Works good and is well tolerated by Tucker.
Finally got the pics to work, just had to get a new internet provider ;)
RtEye&Head08212017.jpg Beak1closed eyes 08212017.jpg BeakSide08212017.jpg
You can see her beak & her head wound in these. Overall she's doing much better, but haven't been able to shorten her beak yet. The cheap nail polisher/shaper we bought didn't work at all. It was an Equate Total Nail Care System from Walmart, don't waste your money. The bits don't stay seated. At all. Back to looking for my dremel :)
Hope everyone is having a good day
I too bought a cheap one that did't work well before I spent the money to buy a decent one which works great and takes Dremel bits.

If you have a Dremel already that should work.

Yes, I just have to dig it out, I haven't used it in years.
The cheap one we bought took bits too, they just didn't seat correctly. Funny thing is, there was another less expensive one & I thought...'Ohh, spend the extra $5, it'll be worth it', lolol
Yes, I just have to dig it out, I haven't used it in years.
The cheap one we bought took bits too, they just didn't seat correctly. Funny thing is, there was another less expensive one & I thought...'Ohh, spend the extra $5, it'll be worth it', lolol
Yeah, I bought a dremmel a while back to do my dogs nails, he yelps when I clip them, I think the pressure from the clippers squeezes his quick... So I thought a dremmel would be better, just grind the extra off... Nope... Darn thing seats slightly crooked so the bit doesn't rotate, it spins... it moves about 1 mm from side to side each rotation.... Yeah, I can't use that on anything sensitive...

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