Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Ahh isn't it fun. My hubby left out a massive piece of polystyrene without my knowledge last night. When I got up this morning (he lets them out early) they had basically consumed the entire thing. Needless to say I am now worried to death and watching everyone like a hawk. Gahhhh!!!

It never seems to hurt them. I am not sure what the fascination with it is to them though. Miracle my isa brown rescue hen will get into it in hubbys shed if she can find a bit anywhere. Never hurt her so far.
It never seems to hurt them. I am not sure what the fascination with it is to them though. Miracle my isa brown rescue hen will get into it in hubbys shed if she can find a bit anywhere. Never hurt her so far.
I think polystyrene is to chickens as ball pits are to toddlers....and me. I can't resist a good ball pit.
Ahh isn't it fun. My hubby left out a massive piece of polystyrene without my knowledge last night. When I got up this morning (he lets them out early) they had basically consumed the entire thing. Needless to say I am now worried to death and watching everyone like a hawk. Gahhhh!!!

It won't hurt them. I hear that some people give them polystryrene boxes to keep them amused.
Sometimes I think my girls are suicidal. I open the gate to go into the run and they are all trying to run between my legs to get out into the yard when I don't have my dogs locked up.
It's a constant battle between me and them; I'm always swatting them away from the gate with a 9L bucket.

Here's some updated pics of the 2 Orps I kept from my hatch.

Sometimes I think my girls are suicidal. I open the gate to go into the run and they are all trying to run between my legs to get out into the yard when I don't have my dogs locked up.
It's a constant battle between me and them; I'm always swatting them away from the gate with a 9L bucket.

Here's some updated pics of the 2 Orps I kept from my hatch.

If your dogs are brought up your chickens, from pup, they should not be a problem. If they are you can train them (the dogs) with a tin with some stones in it, I have seen this done and it does work.
It won't hurt them. I hear that some people give them polystryrene boxes to keep them amused.

Thanks for the reassurance. Everyone is fine. Gave them some yoghurt and a head of cabbage today to make up for it. That and to cure the boredom. No free range time today as it is just toooooo muddy. The frizzle gets so soggy and is not a fan of baths. Therefore everyone is kept in...
If your dogs are brought up your chickens, from pup, they should not be a problem. If they are you can train them (the dogs) with a tin with some stones in it, I have seen this done and it does work.

My cattle was good. He herds them and stops them coming out of the gateBUT I was told that the mally is like a bird dog. It's instinct to hunt is too strong and not to leave him alone with the chickens.

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