Baby Chick around 6 weeks, is very sick! Coccidiosis treatment started but could it be a deficiency?

The red mucous should not be present every day. It's not possible to have an accurate diagnosis without testing. Can you ask your vet if they can do a fecal float test on poop? It can find worms and protozoa and determine what kind you're dealing with.

The leg weakness can be caused by coccidiosis. It can also be caused by Marek's virus and neuro-toxins such as molds and petroleum distillates.
The red mucous should not be present every day. It's not possible to have an accurate diagnosis without testing. Can you ask your vet if they can do a fecal float test on poop? It can find worms and protozoa and determine what kind you're dealing with.

The leg weakness can be caused by coccidiosis. It can also be caused by Marek's virus and neuro-toxins such as molds and petroleum distillates.
I can't tell you how frustrating it is for me here. I asked my vet but he doesn't do these tests. I asked a vet lab but they don't either. I will ask around some more tomorrow.
PS It is so sad that everything related to chicks is done in a wholesale scale. Like i have asked for vaccines and chick feed but no one wants to sell!
Also, should I add something else other than maize and soya and salt to their feed for nutrition?
Yes, you can add rolled oats, wheat, sesame seeds, whole sunflower seeds and flax seeds to the maize and soy to make a more nutritious feed. During warm spells, I recommend cutting way back on the maize since it's so high in carbohydrates and causes excess body heat. If you are in a region that has very warm climate most of the time, I would eliminate the maize.
Yes, you can add rolled oats, wheat, sesame seeds, whole sunflower seeds and flax seeds to the maize and soy to make a more nutritious feed. During warm spells, I recommend cutting way back on the maize since it's so high in carbohydrates and causes excess body heat. If you are in a region that has very warm climate most of the time, I would eliminate the maize.
I will do that. Thank you so much!
Maybe @Saaniya can help guide you where to get some of the things you need. I know India is a big country, but at least she is there and would know better than we would. She is studying veterinary medicine too. Good luck with the chick.
That would be a great help! I have tried so hard and have been studying up as much as I can. But I am not a professional so..
I would go easy on the salt. Too much may hurt them. How much salt are you feeding them per day?
Not too much. I read somewhere to add .15 of salt compared to the feed. So, I add even less than a pinch in every meal of theirs. I grind their food and then take an estimate and am very careful with adding it. I didn't know that we were supposed to put salt in their food, so the first few weeks I didn't for Tooki. I am really scared that she may not have grown properly due to Salt deficiency.
I would try to keep added salt to a minimum, say half a gram per chicken (chicks less) per day. It's too easy for a chicken to get too much salt, and it can hurt them.

Better to simply add some fresh animal protein such as fish a couple times a week. That way your chickens will probably get all the trace minerals they need from the grains you feed and from occasional animal protein.
I would try to keep added salt to a minimum, say half a gram per chicken (chicks less) per day. It's too easy for a chicken to get too much salt, and it can hurt them.

Better to simply add some fresh animal protein such as fish a couple times a week. That way your chickens will probably get all the trace minerals they need from the grains you feed and from occasional animal protein.
Understood. I will do that. And can you suggest anything for Tooki's legs? She is so small like a new born chick when she is actually 6 weeks old but I have never seen her stay still like this.

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