Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

This is all such wonderful news! It sounds like it won't be to much longer and that boy will be 100%! HOORAY!
Oh Cyn....thats GREAT news! GO ZANE GO!! I have to and your DH are great "chicken parents" When I die, I wanna come back as a chicken...a very pretty usefull your place!
It's rained off and on today and he could only be out in the sling for less than an hour. We did try to drain his incision, however, for the first time, we only got the tiniest amt of stuff out, less than ever. It's almost down to normal-looking. Now, if he can just get feeling and movement in the foot....
We got him out and put him on the ground next to the girls' pen. He did a pretty good dance move or two. Then we carried him around and got him some wineberries, blueberries and a wild plum to eat. Then he washed those down with a Japanese Beetle chaser, LOL. Even when he cant really get out, I want to keep him mentally stimulated. His color is great and he's crowing nice and loud.

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