Birds killed by hunting dogs

I wouldn't say they are good dog owners,but atleast they paid up.

I know my kids wouldn't care about the money if a neighbors dog kill their hens. Sorry for your loss and I hope it will not happen again.
"...when an owner is apologetic and more than willing to reimburse the cost, it is not really worth ranting about."------I respectfully disagree. After my neighbor's black lab killed three of my six hens in THEIR pen in THEIR yard, he tried his best to make up with me. Either I am a cold person or just unforgiving because DH had to deal with him. The neighbor offered to do anything to make up. A couple of summers a year ago, he gave away two beagles because they were trying to get into my pen. People are always giving him dogs. I've heard him many, many times standing in his yard yelling for this dog. He deliberately let his dogs run loose. Another neighbor said he saw the dog chasing deer. We have no close neighbors; this is a farm area. When this neighbor moved here about 25 years ago his horse and cow trashed my garden. He's had a zillion dogs over the years and didn't even give them heart worm medication. If I had let him pay for my laying hens, he would have felt better and relieved, feeling he was absolved of his responsibility for the slaughter of my pets. It was a vicious attack at noontime. I was also out the eggs they produced every day. I will be civic to him but that's all.

Edited to add:
Had we not caught the dog in the pen in the act, he would have denied it was his dog. He denied his dog chased deer, saying he didn't believe his dog would do such a thing. DH tied up the dog and called the neighbor down.
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Wow, you were lucky to find such responsible owners. That doesn't happen very often. Of course, the real test to see if they are "responsible owners" is if they keep it from happening again.

Good luck and so sorry for your loss.

Wow. You're right. The dog was doing what it was trained to do. AND the trainer had him contained, and wasn't negligently letting him roam. Accidents happen to everyone. I realize the dog was out of bounds, but as a dog owner and a soon-to-be chicken owner, killing the dog seems rather extreme to me. Do you kill the chickens when they get into your garden and eat or dig up all the plants?
I am sorry it had to happen. The good news is they agreed to pay for damages, it doesn't bring back the chicks, but at least they were responsible to a degree. I know the feeling. I have to keep my chickens penned up because of hunters dogs. One time a dog caught one of my roosters..I called the owner (i had to work that day)...I left the dead bird by the dog and had the dog tied up to a tree..the man came, got the dog and never called back to say anything about the chicken. Other times I have lost lots of chickens, so now I just keep them in the hen house with a run..which is not fair...It's my yard. Not the hunters dogs.

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