Breed (mix) guesses?


Apr 13, 2018
Okanagan, BC, Canada
This lil lady hatched from a white egg. (a variety carton that I shockingly hatched in a tiny chinese cheapie incubator.). The eggs came from a free ranging farm with a wide variety of breeds. Just wondering if anybody has an opinion? I *thought* she had started (and stopped) laying before the days got super short, but now I'm thinking her comb and wattles are more red than I've ever seen them, and her pubic bone spacing is not quite two fingers). Basically I'm curious what she might be AND if there's still a chance she'll add a new colour to the egg basket 🤣🤣

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So that means her mother is most likely the Silkie which makes sense with coming from a white egg. Was the egg smaller than normal do you recall?
In that case based on her looks and the looks of her hatch mate I suspect her father may be a Marans 😊
Just slightly educated guess anyway.😂
Even my hubby still talks about Remi, and he usually cares exactly 0.1% about chickens.
It's amazing the way chickens make their way into our little hearts. I understand being heartbroken of over roosters, I had four Ameraucana roosters I will never forget. Unfortunately I only have space for one rooster. Hardest decision of my life. ❤

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