Buckeye Breed Thread

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That's great news!
Congrats to Janet!
Thanks, JenScott and KathyinMo!

Here's the long story

April 27 my husband and I received our first Buckeyes -- 26 chicks from Laura Haggarty (Pathfinders) -- the ALBC/Brown line.

I picked two pullets and two cockerels for the Heart of the Ozarks Poultry Association (HOTOPA) show this past weekend, Sam Brush (APA President 2010) and Monty Fitzgerald were judges (double show).

One girl won Reserve American under Sam Brush (I believe 6 breeds were shown):


The cockerel we call Wounded Warrior (injured in Hoop House move) placed Reserve Breed under both judges:


And the "other" pullet placed Best of Breed under Monty Fitzgerald:


It was terrific fun being placed on Reserve Champion Row (Champions on the other side; Buckeye on far left)


Champion American under Sam Brush was the Wyandotte pullet (and I believe she was also Champion American under Monty Fitzgerald, who picked the Wyandotte Reserve Breed as Reserve American).

What a great show! I was able to meet JenScott and her daughter, Buff Beauty, in person, and we chatted together Friday night and Saturday.

Har also stopped by with a friend of his, and we had a great time socializing.

Thank you to Laura for providing such wonderful chicks! What a testament to your breeding program and health of your flock!

Janet Hatch
Wow, congratulations Janet!!! That's only the second time I've ever heard of a Buckeye making it to Champion row, interesting that both times it was a pullet.

SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Find out what bloodline he is. I'm not wild about his wing carriage and the fact that so much black is showing as his primaries stick out. I'd like to see a wing that tucks under better.

But that's just me...
So good to see such nice news here, especially since I had to cull out 20 pullets today, all of whom had either too much black in their hackles or black speckling their bodies.

SO SAD! I feel as if I took two steps backwards this year with my breeding program. And to whoever I passed along the advice I got about keeping birds with black speckling because they'd make such good breeders (advice I got from a "legacy breeder" last year), please do not follow that advice. I did, and am paying the price now. All in all I will likely be culling out close to 40 females, and if I'm lucky I'll have about 8 breeding females without these issues when I'm done.


But no point in keeping birds over winter if I can't breed them, better to at least get a little cash for them as layers. I may not even sell chicks next year until I see how things go. I have several Urch cockerels and some pullets I got from Matt John, as well as some older hens without these issues, and am going to hatch early to see what I get.

Ah well, as one smart woman I know said to me about such troubles, "At least when it's all over I'll have learned something and will wind up a better breeder."
Laura, sorry to hear about all your pullets, I was hoping mne were the exception, but alas, they were sold for a laying flock. Did your cockerels have the same problem? I got a fairly late hatch from you, I think it was june?, and am still waiting on the last of the hackle feathers to see how they are going to look. I had the same thing with the cockerels from my flock. Most of them turned out with way too much green in the hackles. It is such a shame they are all such big square boys. One difference I noticed between my and Janet's pullets was her's had feathers much smaller than mine, Especially noticeable along the back feathers. I'm not sure what the significance of that is.
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I'm from southeastern ky, and have been looking for some buckeye hens. I don't show any at all, and I believe that your culls would be perfect for me, as I just have a backyard flock.
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