Calif. N.Central Valley/Foothills

EEs are good for giving you a variety of eggs colors from the same breed of chickens & they may be classified as LF (large fowl) but are smaller than alot of the LF chicken breeds. If you are lucky you may get 3 different colored eggs out of 3 pullets. I think green is a prominent color but they can lay many different colors, blue, pink, beige, tinted. Each pullet will lay her own color, not all different colors as some people think. It's a neat way to identify your birds too.......LOL Marans' very dark egg is a nice one to have in the mix. Again, they are LF but someone around these boards is working on a bantam variety of these too. Studying egg colors has been interesting to me. My Light Sussex & Delaware eggs can't be distinguised one from the other when collected together & neither can the color of my Black Copper Marans & Wheaten Marans but the Wheatens lay a rounder egg for me. You will have fun studying all of this before you buy I am sure.
I have been thinking of an ameraucana or Easter egger, then a maran, plus something crested!
the sultans really appeal to me. But I really am at the beginning stages!
I just ordered 2 Frizzled Polish ( they has crests too you know....LOL) pullets for my daughter& I think the breeder may be sending a smooth cockerel for them as a mate also. I am excited for my daughter. She saw one at the local fair & has been on a hunt since then.
I just ordered 2 Frizzled Polish ( they has crests too you know....LOL) pullets for my daughter& I think the breeder may be sending a smooth cockerel for them as a mate also. I am excited for my daughter. She saw one at the local fair & has been on a hunt since then.

Ya! How exciting. What colors did u get?
How fun! Yes, when I saw a crested bird at the pumpkin patch this year I went in search of what breed it was. This led to a mild obsession with the frilly sort of chicken!
I'm already addicted and I haven't had birds in about twelve years! I am ridiculously excited to get some girls this year!
Welcome to the thread! Cant wait to see your waterfowl, esp East Indies, my son is bringing pencilled runners and Dewlap Toulouse.

Awesome! Im bringing some Buff Toulouse.. Brown African, Maybe some Buffs.... 10-11 East Indies, 15 Muscovys, 10 Call... Might show 3-4 Egyptians.. for sure 2... Ill be busy! I also have some Brown Chinas I might bring some to sell and some to show.. Not sure yet...
Nope no pond for me... Lots and lots of blue pools... Im hoping to help with making a larger Waterfowl class. Im also going to Hollister... Allready went to 2 Shows this year (Paso Robles and Crossroads.) and Might go to Eureka...

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