California - Northern

What's a U of A? So clueless sometimes :S

X2. :D

Why do some use phones here? It seems very limiting. Maybe on a trip or in a pinch.

I only read the site on my Nook color. If I need to reply I get on a real computer.

Is that why some cannot post? Mobile version hiccups?

I don't even try to upload a picture from my phone. But when I am on my phone it is only because I can't get to a computer. Like when I am laying in bed unable to sleep at 1am OR when I am sitting waiting for 2 hours for two tires to be put on........ Like now. :rolleyes: What a waste of time.

OH and my dumb a** left my license at home today so I didn't get on the plane!!!!

Have you checked the poo pictures.  The range of normal is amazing.
Well now that I have two hours tow waste I will be sure to check these out. :). Poo pictures usually don't rank up there with watching a movie or something. Lol.

I have not been to Hawaii however everytime someone goes I know I have them somehow manage to come back with Kona Coffee :cool:

Hey they had some Hawaiian Kona coffee at Costco just now. Funny that I saw it and thought of you. I didn't get any though cause I wasn't sure it was the same kind;).

I don't even try to upload a picture from my phone. But when I am on my phone it is only because I can't get to a computer. Like when I am laying in bed unable to sleep at 1am OR when I am sitting waiting for 2 hours for two tires to be put on........ Like now.
What a waste of time.

OH and my dumb a** left my license at home today so I didn't get on the plane!!!!

Hey they had some Hawaiian Kona coffee at Costco just now. Funny that I saw it and thought of you. I didn't get any though cause I wasn't sure it was the same kind;).
you should try it. Good Kona is unlike anything else in this world.

I will take a few U of A pictures in a bit
I'm on my phone because I'm out of town right now in the mountains. No computer up here.

Thanks Tommysgirl for posting the link.

I'm not sure why people are having issues posting pics. I haven't had any problems. For those of you with issues, please post in the announcement section with what error message you are getting and what browser you are on. I know explorer doesn't work very well, but chrome or Firefox should work fine.
I'm on my phone because I'm out of town right now in the mountains. No computer up here.

Thanks Tommysgirl for posting the link.

I'm not sure why people are having issues posting pics. I haven't had any problems. For those of you with issues, please post in the announcement section with what error message you are getting and what browser you are on. I know explorer doesn't work very well, but chrome or Firefox should work fine.
There are several threads already on the not being able to upload photos issue. It is a known problem and they are working on a resolution, but it's already been nearly two weeks.
I'm on my phone because I'm out of town right now in the mountains. No computer up here.

Thanks Tommysgirl for posting the link.

I'm not sure why people are having issues posting pics. I haven't had any problems. For those of you with issues, please post in the announcement section with what error message you are getting and what browser you are on. I know explorer doesn't work very well, but chrome or Firefox should work fine.

There are several threads already on the not being able to upload photos issue.  It is a known problem and they are working on a resolution, but it's already been nearly two weeks. :(
I'm on my phone because I'm out of town right now in the mountains. No computer up here.

Thanks Tommysgirl for posting the link.

I'm not sure why people are having issues posting pics. I haven't had any problems. For those of you with issues, please post in the announcement section with what error message you are getting and what browser you are on. I know explorer doesn't work very well, but chrome or Firefox should work fine.

There are several threads already on the not being able to upload photos issue.  It is a known problem and they are working on a resolution, but it's already been nearly two weeks. :(

I saw that after I posted.
Question-I got two OL chicks from Jason and put them under my broody who has one baby and a bunch more eggs under her. When the two new chicks are under her she doesn't do anything but when they come out she pecks them and gets puffed up towards them....
They are a few days apart in age and close in size compared to her chick.

What do I do?? :/
I have hatched 6 more olive eggers and 2 white empordanesa the last couple of days from the eggs I pulled from the broody hen . That means 16 out of 20 so far in the old Terra bator.
I was planning on giving the chicks away but with the emp's hatching I am not so sure now as I need more..

one neat note. I was getting all grey/blue chicks from my olive eggers. most of these too except 2 black. 1 grey with brown highlights on the head. this would of had to come through from the blue ameraucana I suspect but not sure as I have never seen any other feather color besides white in the emp's

no one can move between pens either as it is fort chicken knox.
I have one grey and one black OE from your eggs. I was wondering about the black.
So Animal Control picked up Duke today, and brought him home. Still no sign of Penelope. He smells like he tried to play with a skunk, and his poor feet are all worn down and bloody. I'll try to give him a bath later to get rid of the skunk smell.
Question-I got two OL chicks from Jason and put them under my broody who has one baby and a bunch more eggs under her. When the two new chicks are under her she doesn't do anything but when they come out she pecks them and gets puffed up towards them....
They are a few days apart in age and close in size compared to her chick.

What do I do??
Did you put them under her at night? If you did not - she does not recognize them, that's why she is pecking them and driving them off. If you did - then she is a prejudiced against their color - and she won't take care of them.

Take them away from her - she does not like them and she may kill them. Whether it is from pecking them - or from driving them off and not letting them get warm.. and she could go so far as to abandon the eggs she is sitting on. You will have to brood them separately.

Some hens are great at taking care of whatever color and they don't care - others don't like certain colored chicks - no clue why.

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