California - Northern

Wow, you are the master at finding a positive spin!
LOL I try. Considering most everyone I know says I am a Pessimist. I like to believe I am a Realist.
LOL I try. Considering most everyone I know says I am a Pessimist. I like to believe I am a Realist.

well done! i've come home from work to discover a brown bat hanging on the bathroom wall, higher up than i can reach, even standing on a chair -- trying to figure out how to spin this one! (for now i just opened a window & closed the bathroom door & hope it figures it out...)
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Good morning all!

Well it looks like she is going to be okay! Thanks to everyone with words of commizeration (is that even a word?) and understanding. The suggestions on how to do things were great and much appreciated.

This morning she was still acting strange, but I got her out of the pet carrier and wrapped her in a towel. After she stopped fighting me she willingly ate the medicine. I did put some honey in it so hopefully honey isn't something that will kill a bird!

Anyway, I took the opportunity to trim some of her crest and then put some Blue Kote on the bald patch the others won't let grow back in. I used a small kids paint brush and it worked really well. I only got a little on my fingers and that was because I trimmed feathers AFTER I put on the Blue Kote. Note to self...... do Blue Kote last!

She is back out with the others and seems to be wide awake and acting as normal as a Polish can be.

I did get lucky in a way because my daughter decided to not feel very good over night and this morning so we stayed home from school/work. Mind you I am not lucky because she is sick, but lucky in that I had more time to work on the bird without having to run out to work first thing.

Thanks again everyone!
Good job!

Thought I would post some pictures of my very rare colored Khaki Quail d'Anver pair. I love this breed!

Wow, pretty color!
Chickee, that is an amazing color on a super sweet breed.

It is very rare to get this color, so I was super lucky to get 2 in my hatch from Boggy Bottom Bantam's eggs. They are Dun Quail x Dun Quail and a by product of this breeding is Khaki Quail. It is like splash is to a blue x blue breeding. Like splash x splash gives you 100% splash, the same goes for Khaki x Khaki give you 100% Khaki. I can't wait to produce more of this color. It is so rare that Aubrey (Boggy Bottom Bantams) has yet to produce a Khaki Quail pullet!
well done! i've come home from work to discover a brown bat hanging on the bathroom wall, higher up than i can reach, even standing on a chair -- trying to figure out how to spin this one! (for now i just opened a window & closed the bathroom door & hope it figures it out...)
Ummmm You got me on that one. I would have done the same thing though. Don't they go to eat at dusk? Seems like a lot less work than trying to shoo it out the door. Unless you only have a 1 bathroom home that is. Let us know how it turns out. Your bathroom should be mosquito free.

It is very rare to get this color, so I was super lucky to get 2 in my hatch from Boggy Bottom Bantam's eggs. They are Dun Quail x Dun Quail and a by product of this breeding is Khaki Quail. It is like splash is to a blue x blue breeding. Like splash x splash gives you 100% splash, the same goes for Khaki x Khaki give you 100% Khaki. I can't wait to produce more of this color. It is so rare that Aubrey (Boggy Bottom Bantams) has yet to produce a Khaki Quail pullet!
How big are they? You know I like the Wheaten, Khaki, and Dun colors too. I was talking to someone local and he wasn't sure that the Wheaten Ameraucanas would hold any interest for people because they are so "plain".

Another case of beauty is in the eye of the chicken lover.

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