California - Northern

Quote: One year my husband starting catching skunks and evidently there was a whole family because he caught NINE before he gave up and thought we put a big enough dent in them. Our coops are also secure but they get into the barn and sometimes have come early evening before we closed the coops.

I'll bet your bowl of little blue eggs is beautiful. Mine are white, I'd love some colored ones!
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I am getting Mottled Java eggs for Beakface.
Any that hatch will look like this.

Can you stand it? We are going to be OOT so I have asked her to ship early next week. BF will be happy to get off golf balls and I will hopefully be getting babies that I want to add to my flock.
I am getting Mottled Java eggs for Beakface.
Any that hatch will look like this.

Can you stand it? We are going to be OOT so I have asked her to ship early next week. BF will be happy to get off golf balls and I will hopefully be getting babies that I want to add to my flock.

They will be such cute chicks!!! The one in the pic looks like what some of my Pita Pinta's looked like newly hatched. Mine keep getting cuter and cuter as they age. They are 3 weeks old now and I love them. They are even friendlier than my Langshan and Bresse chicks.
One year my husband starting catching skunks and evidently there was a whole family because he caught NINE before he gave up and thought we put a big enough dent in them. Our coops are also secure but they get into the barn and sometimes have come early evening before we closed the coops.

I'll bet your bowl of little blue eggs is beautiful. Mine are white, I'd love some colored ones!

That we don't have a family of them!

I just counted my little blue eggs and I have 20 of them. I think that they would be cute for decoration in the Spring and for Easter. I remember Deb saying that they will desiccate so I just left them in an open bowl. All but the newer ones are very light in weight now. I would love some different colored ones. Maybe we should do a fart egg exchange!
I am getting Mottled Java eggs for Beakface.
Any that hatch will look like this.

Can you stand it? We are going to be OOT so I have asked her to ship early next week. BF will be happy to get off golf balls and I will hopefully be getting babies that I want to add to my flock.

What a darling chick!
That is a breed that has been on my list! Congratulations!
I am getting Mottled Java eggs for Beakface.
Any that hatch will look like this.

Can you stand it? We are going to be OOT so I have asked her to ship early next week. BF will be happy to get off golf balls and I will hopefully be getting babies that I want to add to my flock.
They are cute as chicks. Mine didn't have any personality though, so I gave them to a friend.

I hope you have a great hatch and have a great experience with them!
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