California - Northern

It seems that excessive citrus or vit C can cause feather-picking.  I Googled "citrus fed to chickens" and several sites came up with their opinions on citrus (and some other no-no foods).  Sounds like the jury is still out and I haven't found any actual research articles.  My hens won't touch citrus because it is sour.  I don't know about chickens.  Supposedly read an article that chickens can't taste sugar, yet they love the sweet fruits like banana, cantaloupe, blueberries, and watermelon.  They won't touch strawberries or citrus.  I don't give them anything with onions, onion powder, or onion salt.  Apparently avocado is ok if not the peel or pit.  Best thing is to always have their balanced feed available for them at all times for their best health.

Thank you so much. I'll keep giving mine a few oranges every so often.
Ugh. Thought we were over this.

Somebody broke into my workplace again on Monday and Tuesday nights, the 4th & 5th. They took one bird each night. The security cameras showed two men, one of whom was very heavyset. He was the one who actually climbed over the fence. The coops were padlocked but being chain link they simply disassembled a side panel and crawled

If you are in the El Dorado County and specifically Placerville area and see either of these birds please contact me ASAP.

"Mama" Silkie hybrid. Has damaged leg scales due to severe leg mite infection in the past.

"Howard" Golden Polish. Sits on his hocks a lot. Can be aggressive toward small children and short people.
Why on earth would someone go through all that trouble to steal chickens?
Why on earth would someone go through all that trouble to steal chickens? 

Who knows. It's not the first time it's happened... 5th in the past year more like. The first time was at least logically understandable, they went for some very expensive Serama chickens, which they could easily have resold for a few hundred bucks (the rest of those are now locked up INSIDE the shop!). After that who knows, seems like they just enjoy stealing things! They took a bunch of young common roosters, the kind that people will practically pay to get rid of, and stole our favorite Silkie roo too. We got that one back, thank god, he was left on our doorstep with an anonymous note saying that they had heard about the theft and then noticed the stolen chicken show up in their neighbor's yard! Brought him back along with a hen and four chicks, apparently the birds were in some pretty awful conditions and being fed to the thief's dogs. Actually the hen that was just stolen, Mama, was the hen that was with our returned rooster! I feel bad that she is most likely back in that awful place. And even though I have no love for Howard (hate the bird, actually) I would never wish even him to be under such poor management.
that is really awful. and sick. you THINK all you have to worry about is natural predators and then something like this happens. i hope you get them back somehow and that the persons are caught and fed to the chickens...
(Cross posted this to the "Show off your roosters" thread)











Young cockerels at work, including two Sex Links the hatchery "accidentally" sent us. We just ran out of pullets so I've been having fun handling the boys the past few days. They're quite sweet, I only wish we could rehome all of them before the caponizer comes for them next week. The Brahmas and BSL in particular are incredibly docile. If anybody in NorCal has any interest in these lil dudes feel free to contact me, I'd love to see them to a good home.
I am interested in the turken if he's still available =}
Are you working today?

Yeah, I am unfortunately gonna have to be working practically the entire next week. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but I also love the fact that it's part time and I only have to be there three or four days a week. But with the amount of people we expect to have getting pullets this time, all the reserved birds are getting brought over a few days early, starting to today. As I recall we have over 50 people on the reserve list alone for this batch.
Ugh. Thought we were over this.

Somebody broke into my workplace again on Monday and Tuesday nights, the 4th & 5th. They took one bird each night. The security cameras showed two men, one of whom was very heavyset. He was the one who actually climbed over the fence. The coops were padlocked but being chain link they simply disassembled a side panel and crawled

If you are in the El Dorado County and specifically Placerville area and see either of these birds please contact me ASAP.

"Mama" Silkie hybrid. Has damaged leg scales due to severe leg mite infection in the past.

"Howard" Golden Polish. Sits on his hocks a lot. Can be aggressive toward small children and short people.

some people
sorry to hear this

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