California - Northern

That works! I know it makes no sense when you look at the map. That's why I'm so curious as to how the different areas of California were named and why. There's got to be a story behind it.

LOL! I spent much of my youth in the LA basin and moved here to Eureka in my early adulthood and never looked back. I guess, from my point of view, N Cal is rural, so if it's a big city it's not N Cal. I guess my distaste of city life is showing!

Never meant to insult anyone from SF- as far as cities go, it's my favorite!
I do like the idea of the State of Jefferson though!
I guess I'd have to say i agree most of all with "the line between N & S is south of me!" and I totally understand that there is no real or decided upon dividing line, which is probably why this thread was started- the answer to where the line between north and south is....depends on where you live, where you grew up, and how much you care!
And it sure gets people talking, doesn't it?
Great to hear from all these folks.
For me, if you say you live in N Cal but I can't drive to see you in about 3 hours, you don't (exceptions- east of me
Personally- I'd like to hear from more Humboldt chicksters!

It is a different world up there!
So pretty! Definitely what comes to mind when someone says Northern California!

It's so funny how folk's perceptions are! I hear folks from most other parts of the country who lump all of California together and try to classify us all as "Flaming Liberals" or other, very insulting, generalizations. I do like to think that we are a more tolerant folk in general but I know from living in Southern California, Central Valley, Central Coast, The Bay Area and visiting all over Northern California, often, that there are no 2 places in California that are exactly the same. I'm sure there must be other states that are as varied but I haven't experienced them yet!
I, for one, am proud of that variety though!

BTW, I doubt anyone was offended by the exclusion of S.F. as Northern. Just curious mostly. I have heard heated remarks on this subject before and I just wondered why it gets some folks so riled up. I've never lived there so it's not personal for me. It is a little too crowded for me but that's cause I need room for all my critters.
I do enjoy visiting though. I don't live in California at all anymore but still think of it as home! So I don't really care where the dividing line is as long as I can keep checking in here to see how you fellow Californians are doing!
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Visiting is good. I have friends in Reno- and my husband has friends and some family- It's my favorite Nevada city and my favorite "little" city! But I couldn't live there in the heat, only visit. Isn't it interesting what people who don't live in an area think of it!
Yep! Before we got transferred here I always said that I hated Reno! I'm not a gambler and I thought that's what the whole city was.

The heat doesn't bother me here it's the cold, cold winters that get to me (ok, I can hear all you folks from the Notheastern mountains laughing).

Yes to me zero degrees is horribly cold!!!
But I'm a California coastal girl, born and bred. Now that I live here I realize that there is a ton of fun stuff to do in Reno that has nothing to do with gambling. The people are also very nice, plus I don't miss the Bay Area traffic at all!
Ok why can't there be just ONE california thread like every other state???? I'm in san Luis obispo sometimes they lump us with northern sometimes with southern and most the time they forget we exist at all.
Oh, that's terrible! My family and I used to ride the train to SLO often. It was such a nice trip! I agree I would love to see a complete California thread. I'm a little tired of having the state divided all up in a bunch of different threads.
At this point though, if another thread was made for the state it would be just that... another thread for California.

We have Northern, Southern, Central and the Bay Area. The reason I feel there are multiple threads is to help folks in certain regions connect with others close to them- not to divide one another. We're a big state. I mean yeah, if we were a state like Oklahoma or South Dakota it would be easy to have just one singer thread. But we're not... thankfully.

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