California - Northern

We are supposed to be in the mid-nineties through the weekend. Too hot for me, but I can't complain (well, at least not on this thread!) since so many others have it worse. The only chicken I worry about is the Gold sex link, who does not tolerate the heat well.
Yesterday we got to 107F here in Anderson. Here's my GSL chilling with her stud Dre' handling the heat Like a trooper! I thinks she might be used to the heat. She's 4 years old and still giving me a Xtra large egg everyday!
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Ha! Can you leave anything edible on the counter with a Chocolate Lab around? Dog folks call it counter-cruising!
My Aussie/Pit mix who is already psycho enough drank coffee once.
Supposed to be 108/109 Fri, Sat and Sun here. Yuck!

Getting ready to go check on the EEs and Copper after their first night in the coop. :D

Stay cool everyone and hope everyone's chickens weather the heat this weekend!
Not very good pictures. My phone had 10% battery left so I was rushing. I loaded everyone up with fresh food and electrolyte spiked cold water. Ahhhh.



I tried to bring them to the shade and the misters. Will try again in a bit. I don't want them to stroke out in this heat.


Miss Solara on my hand. Hanging out. See the chickens back there? They sip the drops of water off the fence. They do this all day long. Lol


I found these beggars at the chicken coop looking for hand outs. Bums! :p

Excuse my typos. Sent from my iPhone.
I'm having health issues and my husband is getting tired of caring for my birds, so I need to reduce my flock some more. Is anyone interested in two mature toms, a Black Mottled and a Blue Palm, both from Porters? I also have six half-grown turks that show black mottled but may have some Blue Palm in them. And eight Jumbo Pekins, two drakes and six hens. The hens are laying. PM me if you're interested.
I'm having health issues and my husband is getting tired of caring for my birds, so I need to reduce my flock some more. Is anyone interested in two mature toms, a Black Mottled and a Blue Palm, both from Porters? I also have six half-grown turks that show black mottled but may have some Blue Palm in them. And eight Jumbo Pekins, two drakes and six hens. The hens are laying. PM me if you're interested.
I'm so sorry Jules to hear your health is not good. I hope some people have room to take in your birds and that you feel better soon!
Yesterday we got to 107F here in Anderson. Here's my GSL chilling with her stud Dre' handling the heat Like a trooper!

I thinks she might be used to the heat. She's 4 years old and still giving me a Xtra large egg everyday!
Good to know not all Gold sex links have problems. Maybe I got a dud. Only have a sample size of one, but she's my only chicken that's had any physical problems. Very sensitive to the heat (me too, hah!) and she had a pretty serious limp for about a month (Hey, me too! Maybe some sort of kindred spirit thing going on here.) I like her calm temperament though, and color, orangey gold with white "highlights." (Hey, that's my coloring too!
Can anyone else hear the Twilight Zone theme, or is it just me?
) Kids call her Freckle, but maybe I'll change her name to Minnie-Me.

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