
I'm in Studio City! and I'm starting a coop and I have in mind what chickens I want. But the problem is I'm only looking for around 5 chicks and all the delivery places send a minumum of 15...I can't fit that many chickens in my backyard. I'm interested in golden sex links and Speckled Sussex. Can anybody recommend me a place to get them? Thank you!!
I'm in Studio City! and I'm starting a coop and I have in mind what chickens I want. But the problem is I'm only looking for around 5 chicks and all the delivery places send a minumum of 15...I can't fit that many chickens in my backyard. I'm interested in golden sex links and Speckled Sussex. Can anybody recommend me a place to get them? Thank you!!

Try a feed store, when they order they can add what you want.
I'm in Studio City! and I'm starting a coop and I have in mind what chickens I want. But the problem is I'm only looking for around 5 chicks and all the delivery places send a minumum of 15...I can't fit that many chickens in my backyard. I'm interested in golden sex links and Speckled Sussex. Can anybody recommend me a place to get them? Thank you!!
i dont have those but I have rather rare and beautiful swedish flower hens, pure brittish black orpingtons, Marrunda Basque Hens (Euskal Oiloa) and a variety of purebred crested birds eggs in the bator for sale.

if you change your mind....................
I'm in Studio City! and I'm starting a coop and I have in mind what chickens I want. But the problem is I'm only looking for around 5 chicks and all the delivery places send a minumum of 15...I can't fit that many chickens in my backyard. I'm interested in golden sex links and Speckled Sussex. Can anybody recommend me a place to get them? Thank you!!
There are a few places with chicks around LA .... Red Barn had RIRs & Ameraucanas when I was there last weekend, Malibu Feed Bin usually gets an assortment, Kahoots in chatsworth gets an assortment, Wes' Pet N Feed in El Monte gets an assortment .... East Valley Feed and Tack has chicks year round ,and there are "breeders" on craigslist out in Norco, feed stores in Pomona & ventura depending how far you want to travel ..... Or you can order from Dare to Dream Farms based in SB and they will deliver to your door for $20 delivery charge .... If you call the feed stores they can try and order the breeds you are looking for ...
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Hey! Now that my duck and I are all settled in Long Beach, I'd really like to set up a playdate for her. Does anyone else have very friendly ducks who might want to play with Bunny? She's never interacted with other birds before aside from watching them fly around outside, but I think it would be good for her to make some avian friends. Would anyone in the LA area like to meet up sometime? Maybe we can hang out at a park and have some snacks or drinks while our ducks play.
There are a few places with chicks around LA .... Red Barn had RIRs & Ameraucanas when I was there last weekend, Malibu Feed Bin usually gets an assortment, Kahoots in chatsworth gets an assortment, Wes' Pet N Feed in El Monte gets an assortment .... East Valley Feed and Tack has chicks year round , and there are "breeders" on craigslist out in Norco, feed stores in Pomona & ventura depending how far you want to travel ..... Or you can order from Dare to Dream Farms based in SB and they will deliver to your door for $20 delivery charge .... If you call the feed stores they can try and order the breeds you are looking for ...
. wow! Great!!! Thank you so much!!!!

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