Can you taxidermy a rooster?

All I know is now I want this hideous overpriced stuffed bird just as a conversation piece. 🤣
Yep sounds like they were trying to get as much as possible for everything.
I know right!!! I have half a mind to go back tomorrow. If, for nothing else, to get a picture of the thing!
It was an Estate Sale so it was more of an everything must go situation which is why the price was abhorrent. In most cases, or at least most estate sales I've been to, it's usually someone is either downsizing their home or has passed on. Most estate sales around here are run by a private company but this one was run by family members. They were also selling the house by owner. From the look of the items there I would define these people as "Gypsies". I mean no offense by that; where I'm at that's what we call "Popcorn Fest People". They're the people who put together arts and crafts and sell them at Popcorn Fest to FIPS (our word for people from Illinois) at outlandish prices. For those who don't know: Orville Redenbacher was born in Indiana and every year we have Popcorn fest which used to be all about the popcorn. Now it is no better than a sad sack of a fair and the only people who visit are mostly out of towners. They litter, let their dogs poop everywhere, disrupt traffic and spend a ton of money on knick knacks. Since Popcorn Fest was cancelled due to Covid a LOT of the gypsies have been selling their wares disguised as "Pop up shops"and "garage sales". The big difference is that at a garage sale people are trying to get rid of their stuff so they will sell it for cheap. That's part of the reason I go to stuff like that. I'm more likely to spend 5 bucks on a craft project that someone else created than 30. If it's not something I NEED to have I refuse to spend more that 10 bucks. I'm pretty proud of the stuff I have made as well; I make and sell t-shirt quilts by order. But my prices are all based on materials and labor. If you are selling something second hand you can't possibly know what would have been charged for that.
All I can say is WOW! Well I can say a lot more, but .............I started to say, I won't, but I'm gonna. If the mods/owners allow this statement to stand, then I'm outta here. This does not need to belong in this forum. This is racism in it's purest form.
then there was stuff nightmares are made of 🤣
such as this:
Did you see the thread that was about a bird exactly like this?

@21hens-incharge Who is it that had the bird with 4 feet? I can't think if her name to save my life.

I do remember poor little Ripley.

My aunt had a 4 legged stuffed rooster in a glass box on her hutch in the dining room. The claim was he had been 100% real. It was a bizarre thing to see as a small child. I never believed he was real. Ripley made me question it all over again.

To answer the question of can a rooster be taxidermied. Yes. Just as pheasants, ducks, eagles, hawks and other winged things can.
I do remember poor little Ripley.

My aunt had a 4 legged stuffed rooster in a glass box on her hutch in the dining room. The claim was he had been 100% real. It was a bizarre thing to see as a small child. I never believed he was real. Ripley made me question it all over again.

To answer the question of can a rooster be taxidermied. Yes. Just as pheasants, ducks, eagles, hawks and other winged things can.
I Googled 4 legged chicken looking for Ripley's thread. It's more common than I thought. Poor things.
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