Updated list of what I have for sale:…

Juvinile bantam black cochin frizzle pair

Young EE cockeral

2 bearded breeder quality blue silkie chicks

2 black old english bantam pairs (8 weeks)

Goldneck old english bantam pullet (8weeks)

1 barred old english cockeral (8 weeks) and a black old english bantam pullet (8weeks)
And breeder quality blue silkie hatching eggs.
Anyone bring any Olive Egger hens?

No olive hens at the moment (just hatched three today) but I do have hatching eggs.
Looks like I will be making the big swap for sure...it was in question a few days....Here is what I will have!

Various breeds of chicks from 2-4 weeks old: Wheaten Ameraucanas (pending sale)
Self Blue Old English Game Bantams
Mille Fleur D'Uccles
Easter Eggers ( Blue egg laying hen and Wheaten Amer Roo as parents)

Hatching eggs sold as make your own mix( buy one or all) : Sumatra,Self Blues,Milles( pending broodiness ),And eggs from my mixed cochin coop

I will also have 2 splash cochin roos,A mixed color cochin that is a smooth out of a frizzle pen,and a awsome Cuckoo cochin roo!!


* all my cochins are bantam
Well I dont know how many people like mutts but!!

I have two little 5 week old RIR X Dom mix chicks. One black one red. Both cockerels my bantam hen hatched them out and I just need to find them a home.


Still looking for homes for my silkie roosters too!
I'm really interested in going to this, as I have a bantam roo, about 6 weeks, that I need to find a home for. Can anyone bring things to sell? Or is there a signup? I'll also be looking for a couple of bantam pullets to replace him.
Thanks so much.
I'm really interested in going to this, as I have a bantam roo, about 6 weeks, that I need to find a home for. Can anyone bring things to sell? Or is there a signup? I'll also be looking for a couple of bantam pullets to replace him.
Thanks so much.

Hi, anyone can attend and you are welcome to join us. This is going to be a large event as it has advertising in multiple locations on the web as well as stores and newspapers. There will be t-shirts and more available for purchase, concession on site and a very nice raffle (All proceeds from this springs event benefit a local 4H Poultry program). Just a fun event filled day chating with some old friends and making some new ones.
If anyone is looking - A BARRED Bantam Cochin PAIR can be available for purchase/pick-up at Chickenstock. From two separate flocks, rooster is just a year old this month, pullet is approx 5 months old. Please PM me for more info. Thank you.
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