Didn't anyone get upset about how the chickens/ducks etc were packed into those crates and totes most with out food water or heat? I'm sorry but it was very upsetting to me. I had night mares about some of those poor animals and what their living conditions must be like. It was great seeing Trish, Matt and G&A and meeting The Rookie and her mom, Amy, and i was disappointed not getting to meet other BYCers We left fairly early too. I just don't know if i can go to another one knowing I'll see the same thing again, I mean come one you can make money off your birds but please show them some care and respect. One man there [vendor] said he wanted to pour gasoline on his tiny little ducklings which some were dying and sick by the way, and burn them. Isn't that a nice thing to say. some of the ducks were so packed in crates they couldn't even move. It kinda took the whole idea of Chicken Stock and made me sick. Maybe i am too sensitive but as I type this I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it all. If i hadn't have know what year it was i would have sworn it was turn of the century where animals were treated poorly. I do appreciate all the hard work Trish and her husband did putting this together, I just wish there was some way to work with the vendors to make it a much nicer place for their birds and animals they bring out to sell. which would make it much more enjoyable for the rest of us. I am very pleased with my chicks i got from Trish and please don't take this as Trashing her and her efforts i know she has no control over these others. She at least had heat water and food for her chicks/. And i didn't see any BYCers doing this either it was the same groups that are there for the shows also that do this,I also enjoyed being with Kristan, and Vicki we were 3 happy hens with our purchase, even though the little gosling escaped after we got back to Burnsville, Vickis dh made a daring attempted into the wild rose bushes and caught him...
And if no one ever wants to talk to me again after reading this then so be it I am sorry, but i had to say what was on my mind. and Heart.

ML you're absolutely right to be upset. That man was horrible. Trish and Kevin did an excellent job of getting this together, but you can control the vendors. Some people just really don't care about their birds.....they aren't like those of us on here.

I wish DH and I could have met you and your "hens".
Didn't anyone get upset about how the chickens/ducks etc were packed into those crates and totes most with out food water or heat? I'm sorry but it was very upsetting to me. I had night mares about some of those poor animals and what their living conditions must be like. It was great seeing Trish, Matt and G&A and meeting The Rookie and her mom, Amy, and i was disappointed not getting to meet other BYCers We left fairly early too. I just don't know if i can go to another one knowing I'll see the same thing again, I mean come one you can make money off your birds but please show them some care and respect. One man there [vendor] said he wanted to pour gasoline on his tiny little ducklings which some were dying and sick by the way, and burn them. Isn't that a nice thing to say. some of the ducks were so packed in crates they couldn't even move. It kinda took the whole idea of Chicken Stock and made me sick. Maybe i am too sensitive but as I type this I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it all. If i hadn't have know what year it was i would have sworn it was turn of the century where animals were treated poorly. I do appreciate all the hard work Trish and her husband did putting this together, I just wish there was some way to work with the vendors to make it a much nicer place for their birds and animals they bring out to sell. which would make it much more enjoyable for the rest of us. I am very pleased with my chicks i got from Trish and please don't take this as Trashing her and her efforts i know she has no control over these others. She at least had heat water and food for her chicks/. And i didn't see any BYCers doing this either it was the same groups that are there for the shows also that do this,I also enjoyed being with Kristan, and Vicki we were 3 happy hens with our purchase, even though the little gosling escaped after we got back to Burnsville, Vickis dh made a daring attempted into the wild rose bushes and caught him...
And if no one ever wants to talk to me again after reading this then so be it I am sorry, but i had to say what was on my mind. and Heart.
I told myself “NO” everytime I walked by that man, I don't have room or time, but as we were leaving, he was loading up a group of red hens and shook the cage, I went over and asked to buy two, the cage was so slam packed we couldn't get one out. So I walked away with cage full of what I later found out was 6 red hens for only 8$! We had to cut the cage apart to get them out. They are all in a quarintine pen on the other side of my property, they are drinking oxine water, been sprayed and dusted, started dewormer and gave nutridrench! They are very baffled by the green grass in their run :). My friend bought a cage slam packed with 5 pekin ducks. They act as if they have never been In water!
Didn't anyone get upset about how the chickens/ducks etc were packed into those crates and totes most with out food water or heat? I'm sorry but it was very upsetting to me. I had night mares about some of those poor animals and what their living conditions must be like. It was great seeing Trish, Matt and G&A and meeting The Rookie and her mom, Amy, and i was disappointed not getting to meet other BYCers We left fairly early too. I just don't know if i can go to another one knowing I'll see the same thing again, I mean come one you can make money off your birds but please show them some care and respect. One man there [vendor] said he wanted to pour gasoline on his tiny little ducklings which some were dying and sick by the way, and burn them. Isn't that a nice thing to say. some of the ducks were so packed in crates they couldn't even move. It kinda took the whole idea of Chicken Stock and made me sick. Maybe i am too sensitive but as I type this I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it all. If i hadn't have know what year it was i would have sworn it was turn of the century where animals were treated poorly. I do appreciate all the hard work Trish and her husband did putting this together, I just wish there was some way to work with the vendors to make it a much nicer place for their birds and animals they bring out to sell. which would make it much more enjoyable for the rest of us. I am very pleased with my chicks i got from Trish and please don't take this as Trashing her and her efforts i know she has no control over these others. She at least had heat water and food for her chicks/. And i didn't see any BYCers doing this either it was the same groups that are there for the shows also that do this,I also enjoyed being with Kristan, and Vicki we were 3 happy hens with our purchase, even though the little gosling escaped after we got back to Burnsville, Vickis dh made a daring attempted into the wild rose bushes and caught him...
And if no one ever wants to talk to me again after reading this then so be it I am sorry, but i had to say what was on my mind. and Heart.

You know I totally agree with you! That man was horrible! Then on the way home, my little gosling started opening its mouth like it was panting. We had to pull over and give her a bowl of water. She was so thirsty. If people are going to bring their animals out there to sell, they need to have food and water and the little ones need to have heat. It was very heart breaking for me too. I did have a wonderful time with you and Kristan. It was a lot of fun.
I missed seeing the guy you all are discussing. I have seen him at the shows at Morganton. I was worried about my smaller feathered out orpingtons. I put a towel around the cage to shield the wind off them. I could not imagine having baby chicks out with out handwarmers or a heat source.
The weather report was about 20+ degrees off. I had been worried about my chickens and myself getting too warm. Apparently surprised everyone.
I missed seeing the guy you all are discussing. I have seen him at the shows at Morganton. I was worried about my smaller feathered out orpingtons. I put a towel around the cage to shield the wind off them. I could not imagine having baby chicks out with out handwarmers or a heat source.
The weather report was about 20+ degrees off. I had been worried about my chickens and myself getting too warm. Apparently surprised everyone.
We had brought two coolers one with hot water bottles for if it was cold and one with frozen bottles if it was hot! It made me sad to see so many chicks huddled together shivering.
Didn't anyone get upset about how the chickens/ducks etc were packed into those crates and totes most with out food water or heat? I'm sorry but it was very upsetting to me. I had night mares about some of those poor animals and what their living conditions must be like. It was great seeing Trish, Matt and G&A and meeting The Rookie and her mom, Amy, and i was disappointed not getting to meet other BYCers We left fairly early too. I just don't know if i can go to another one knowing I'll see the same thing again, I mean come one you can make money off your birds but please show them some care and respect. One man there [vendor] said he wanted to pour gasoline on his tiny little ducklings which some were dying and sick by the way, and burn them. Isn't that a nice thing to say. some of the ducks were so packed in crates they couldn't even move. It kinda took the whole idea of Chicken Stock and made me sick. Maybe i am too sensitive but as I type this I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it all. If i hadn't have know what year it was i would have sworn it was turn of the century where animals were treated poorly. I do appreciate all the hard work Trish and her husband did putting this together, I just wish there was some way to work with the vendors to make it a much nicer place for their birds and animals they bring out to sell. which would make it much more enjoyable for the rest of us. I am very pleased with my chicks i got from Trish and please don't take this as Trashing her and her efforts i know she has no control over these others. She at least had heat water and food for her chicks/. And i didn't see any BYCers doing this either it was the same groups that are there for the shows also that do this,I also enjoyed being with Kristan, and Vicki we were 3 happy hens with our purchase, even though the little gosling escaped after we got back to Burnsville, Vickis dh made a daring attempted into the wild rose bushes and caught him...
And if no one ever wants to talk to me again after reading this then so be it I am sorry, but i had to say what was on my mind. and Heart.

I was upset about it. and Mentioned it to the man who had them but he just kinda laughed it off. Ducks where turnside ways and you couldnt tell whos foot belong to who and a large rooster stuffen in a cage with 2 hens. terrible
I had a wonderful time!
I am almost glad now I did not walk around and look at others' birds. I am afraid that one man would have been tarred and feathered, had it only been by me. I know I can't control others but I hate to see sick minded people having animals. I got a few tidbits of info but never got to get away enough to go see about it. I don't think others would have liked the way I would have handled such a horrid situation. I certainly would have asked him to leave if he could not show better respect for the sale and the buyers.

I did have heat packs in with my chicks and ducklings. I had thought I would only need them for the trip up and maybe an hour or two into the morning but I left them in the tub and crate for my babies, they laid on them and pressed up against the wall of the crate where I had those adhesive ones stuck in corners. It was so chilly they did not even drink much water. I brought 3 gallons and only used one.

We were prepared more for warm weather than cold but it worked out okay. I hope everyone's birds that were there yesterday are okay as I know the wind was a bit much sometimes.

I hope we all get to do this again and maybe black ball anyone who is not treating their birds with the care they deserve.
That is the bad part of sells, swaps, and shows. On one side you have the poultry lovers. They take care of the their birds, treat with with respect, and are normally very friendly folks. Then you have those that are in it for the money. Dealers/resellers are not my kind of people. There is no way to no the health of a bird if you buy and sell it in as few days as possible. A chicken can't even be a chicken in a cage stuffed with so many others they can't even move.

Most of the people at these events are great people, but those few will always ruin a great day if you let them. It is so hard to walk away from birds being treated like that. I was wanting to get the heat in the truck going and just move those frozen babies in there and let them at least warm up. It is so hard not to bring them home just to rescue them. I know several in that open trailer of production reds were not going to make it. You can't haul half grown birds in an open trailer in temps like that. The more that get 'rescued' from those people the more they find a market, then they get more birds to sell. It is a terrible cycle that needs to end somehow.

You know I totally agree with you! That man was horrible! Then on the way home, my little gosling started opening its mouth like it was panting. We had to pull over and give her a bowl of water. She was so thirsty. If people are going to bring their animals out there to sell, they need to have food and water and the little ones need to have heat. It was very heart breaking for me too. I did have a wonderful time with you and Kristan. It was a lot of fun.

Same here. The event was very well organized and well put together but some of the vendors upset me.

My two little Wyandotte hens must had not had anything drink for a while when I put the food and water in the cage they drank constantly....
I agree...I forgot my heat light so we put heat packs in the shavings for the babies and when the waterer broke in one I just made sure I moved my waterer back and forth for the 2 tubs!! I know now to have backup waterers for sure!! I had extras for my big boys in wire but those would not work in the tubs!! I did see the guy with the trailer with all the itty bittys in a foot deep huge box packed in but did not get around to see the others!! I was limited to a potty break and my DH took my money for that so I would not dissapear shopping!! This was my first big selling swap and I learned soooo much yesterday and met some great people!

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