I got my Olive eggers in the Incubator getting nice and toasty. Actually only 11 made it in there
Had a great time today, got to meet a lot of people, and picked up 5 BLRW's and a small wire cage for transport (hoping our kids get really involved in 4H). This was our first Chickenstock and we're new to chickens in general but still felt very welcome. Thanks so much for such a wonderful event. My only regret is that we didn't get there till 11. Next time we'll be there at the beginning.
Had a GREAT time today! This was my first Chicken Stock and I can't wait till the next one! I got my first Sebostopol gosling today, 2 ducks and 6 guineas! Everyone is settled in and the gosling and ducklings enjoyed a nice swim in the tub!! There were so many beautiful birds there today. I think One of the hens I was with bought half of everything there!
Had a great time today, got to meet a lot of people, and picked up 5 BLRW's and a small wire cage for transport (hoping our kids get really involved in 4H). This was our first Chickenstock and we're new to chickens in general but still felt very welcome. Thanks so much for such a wonderful event. My only regret is that we didn't get there till 11. Next time we'll be there at the beginning.

We wished our kids would take intrest in a breed to raise but no luck except for the youngest, she checks incubators, brooders and hold out hens.
Just wanted to say as I was so glad to have meet so many of you! And a HUGE thank you to Tricia and Kevin for putting it all together! THANK YOU!

I sold everything I brought, and came home with a pair of standard blue orpington, 4 EE pullets, 3 BLRW, 1 blue americuana, 2 breeding pens and a 3x3 bantam coop! And enough money to finaly buy my incubator!
Had a GREAT time today! This was my first Chicken Stock and I can't wait till the next one! I got my first Sebostopol gosling today, 2 ducks and 6 guineas! Everyone is settled in and the gosling and ducklings enjoyed a nice swim in the tub!! There were so many beautiful birds there today. I think One of the hens I was with bought half of everything there!

Yep! she had the back packed!
Didn't anyone get upset about how the chickens/ducks etc were packed into those crates and totes most with out food water or heat? I'm sorry but it was very upsetting to me. I had night mares about some of those poor animals and what their living conditions must be like. It was great seeing Trish, Matt and G&A and meeting The Rookie and her mom, Amy, and i was disappointed not getting to meet other BYCers We left fairly early too. I just don't know if i can go to another one knowing I'll see the same thing again, I mean come one you can make money off your birds but please show them some care and respect. One man there [vendor] said he wanted to pour gasoline on his tiny little ducklings which some were dying and sick by the way, and burn them. Isn't that a nice thing to say. some of the ducks were so packed in crates they couldn't even move. It kinda took the whole idea of Chicken Stock and made me sick. Maybe i am too sensitive but as I type this I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it all. If i hadn't have know what year it was i would have sworn it was turn of the century where animals were treated poorly. I do appreciate all the hard work Trish and her husband did putting this together, I just wish there was some way to work with the vendors to make it a much nicer place for their birds and animals they bring out to sell. which would make it much more enjoyable for the rest of us. I am very pleased with my chicks i got from Trish and please don't take this as Trashing her and her efforts i know she has no control over these others. She at least had heat water and food for her chicks/. And i didn't see any BYCers doing this either it was the same groups that are there for the shows also that do this,I also enjoyed being with Kristan, and Vicki we were 3 happy hens with our purchase, even though the little gosling escaped after we got back to Burnsville, Vickis dh made a daring attempted into the wild rose bushes and caught him...
And if no one ever wants to talk to me again after reading this then so be it I am sorry, but i had to say what was on my mind. and Heart.

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