Case of Bad Teen Mom - why aren't my pullets sitting on their eggs?


8 Years
Jun 30, 2011
Charlotte, NC
I only have young Buff Orp (actually they are mutts) girls that just started laying around Christmas time. However, they have zero interest on sitting on their eggs. Is this normal?
It is my understanding that the instinct to actually sit on the eggs and try to hatch them has been mostly selected out of most chicken breeds. In fact a breed that "goes broody" regularly is considered less desirable if your goal is to have lots of eggs because once they go broody, they stop laying more.

I don't have experience in this area, but from reading I've learned that most folks who want their fertilized eggs to hatch either collect them for an incubator or purchase a "broody hen" like a Cochin or Silky who will sit on and hatch other chicken's eggs.

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