Cat Owners: What's your favorite Kitty Litter?

Anyone train their kitty to use the toilet?

We don't/won't have indoor cats, but I always told myself "if" we did, they would be trained to the toilet or get kicked to the barn. I know that people do it, just wondered if anyone here did. HOWEVER, I would NOT train the cat to flush the toilet, I've heard they think it's fun to flush it alllll the time and not just after they use it.
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I have two kitties and two open tray litter boxes. They used to be covered but my female cat didn't like using them... chose highly inappropriate places to go, including in a basket of clean laundry that was sitting on top of the kitchen table, on a blanket, and pretty much any sort of towel or laundry exposed anywhere. Even on the bed once. It was a mess and the dear kitty was on my black list for a very, very long time. I didn't realize it was due to the closed litter boxes when I read something that came with this expensive silicon litter we were trying. It said that closed boxes are more for humans than they are for cats, and that cats don't like being enclosed while they go. I thought why not give it a try, and sure enough, the inappropriate bathroom trips stopped. Man oh man.

Wolf-kim, I'm not sure if I would want to toilet train cats. I've seen it on TV, but I'm thinking, if they can't aim right while standing in a box (somehow the pee always manages to get all over the wall of the box, and on the floor a bit too.
) what happens if they miss while hovering over the toilet? Imagine having to clean cat pee off the bathroom walls and floor everyday? BLECH! I think some cats have better manners than my cats though. I'm sure they're not all sloppy bathroom users!
The covered ones also tend to collect odour quicker - - my cats have their litter tray OUTSIDE in a secluded corner of the porch...
I used to have a very picky cat - - she'd go in it once and, if we didn't chean it out, she'd go right next to it in protest!!! Hope you're luckier than me in this case!!!

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