Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

Well what can I say CT
we used to live in Durbanville before it got built up - then hubby got a job in Jo'burg. The one good thing about up here is the weather I miss the wine farms!! Hermanus and the beaches. I got sunburnt today in the Winter so sitting here with burn shield (oh pain) - I swear to god that my hubby could braai on a spoon and two twigs - we ran out of wood and friends pitched with a kudu that was hurt so they had to shoot it - very sad but good for us. Not actually a fan but makes good wors.

I have it on good authority, Michael O'Shay, that Molly is a Cochin she is a year and I thank you for the compliement
but I now have a problem she is sitting on eggs and won't eat or drink and Henry has gone into decline -Do chickens mate for life? this is what happened to the mum of the chicks she wouldn't eat or drink and just upped one day after they were born, sat on a rock outside being very sick, she died on the way back from the vet. The vet said she was undernourished - that psychologically ruined me as I feed everyone and everything far too much. infact my son says that the Chinese Army could come over the mountain and I would still have enough!!

I also love black things, don't know why, have black dogs, cats, car, clothes even made black rice the other night!! obsessed

What black Alastians? not seen

I have the space now but only have chickens too much other wildlife!!
Beeaautiful Chickie's! Is henry also a Cochin?? No chickens don't mate for life but what happens (I've noticed with my babies) is that if a hen that the rooster mates with goes broody and will start laying from him, that roo will assist the hen to find a nest and never leave her until she has found a nest that she settles in (sooooo cute!)
I'm so sorry about your baby, maybe she was sick so she didn't want to eat or she was a runt and the others pecked her around so she couldn't eat much, one of my babies is a runt and gets that a lot so I have to sit with her while the others are feeding and hand feed her myself
Yes Henry is a cochin, and you are right he hasn;t left her side. I think Flour died because she sat of her eggs for weeks and didn't eat but once they hatched she just gave up from not eating. I am seriously going to have to make sure Molly eats while she is on her eggs, I won;t let that happen again. Chiseri took over being mother and has been a wonderful caring mother to the babies.

Well what can I say CT
we used to live in Durbanville before it got built up - then hubby got a job in Jo'burg. The one good thing about up here is the weather I miss the wine farms!! Hermanus and the beaches. I got sunburnt today in the Winter so sitting here with burn shield (oh pain) - I swear to god that my hubby could braai on a spoon and two twigs - we ran out of wood and friends pitched with a kudu that was hurt so they had to shoot it - very sad but good for us. Not actually a fan but makes good wors.

I have it on good authority, Michael O'Shay, that Molly is a Cochin she is a year and I thank you for the compliement
but I now have a problem she is sitting on eggs and won't eat or drink and Henry has gone into decline -Do chickens mate for life? this is what happened to the mum of the chicks she wouldn't eat or drink and just upped one day after they were born, sat on a rock outside being very sick, she died on the way back from the vet. The vet said she was undernourished - that psychologically ruined me as I feed everyone and everything far too much. infact my son says that the Chinese Army could come over the mountain and I would still have enough!!

I also love black things, don't know why, have black dogs, cats, car, clothes even made black rice the other night!! obsessed

What black Alastians? not seen

I have the space now but only have chickens too much other wildlife!!
I have heard that brooding can be really hard on them, because they dont drink or eat. I always stop mine from doing it immediatelty. no, chickens dont mate for life and are generally promiscuous, but I am sure they can form friendships..
If you like black things you will love these: some pics of black german shepherds from google



And as a bonus, as this is a chicken site, ayam rooster:

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I have heard that brooding can be really hard on them, because they dont drink or eat. I always stop mine from doing it immediatelty. no, chickens dont mate for life and are generally promiscuous, but I am sure they can form friendships..
If you like black things you will love these: some pics of black german shepherds from google



And as a bonus, as this is a chicken site, ayam rooster:

Wow, would love that bird - those dogs look like they don't shed like normal German Shepherds - they are beautiful. Still love mine best though!!!!
Just wanted to say have a good monday but had power cut, bit late now! always getting cut off in my prime (as it were) Do you have as many power cuts as us up here? everyone says the Cape works better?
OMG did you hear about the American tourist that got eaten to death at our Lion Park, we live so close. They are LIONS when will tourists learn not to open windows not to get out of the car, not to mess with them. This is going to do wonders for our tourist trade and its not the first time some Japense also got killed.

They are not pussy cats and they are seriously dangerous animals, especially kept 'under un lion circumstances' Don't get me wrong its really lovely but not completley wild. I wish tourists would learn wild life is WILD life

sorry venting
Ohhh yes I heard! Stupid tourists, I agree to you. Watch them go and have to kill this poor iniscent lion for nothing now because of these tourists thinking they can go and stroke them (lol) sorry I just get so angry, this isn't the first tourist!
Thank you for agreeing - stupid bloody tourists they give us such a bad name and they breed the most beautiful lions - white ones and tigers (I know) but they have to live somewhere why noy Africa

check this where it happened

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