CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks

this is my Ginger. I named her that because she walks dainty and she always fluffs up her feather's and she makes me think of Ginger from Gilligan's Island lol
I see why!! great!! She is so cute!! is she the only one you have named?

I only name layers and roosters (not cockerels that can go to freezer camp). Meat birds might be jokingly called "Thanksgiving" or "Stew."
My current flock is named after singers.
Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton are a breeding pair.
Ozzie, Sharon, and Kelly Osbourne. The parents and baby dove.
Casey and Jojo
Janice Joplin
Aretha Franklin
Steven Tyler
Bonnie Tyler
Stevie Nicks
Melissa Ethridge
Sheryl Crow
Reba McEntire
Others are waiting until after culling.
Is reba red?
where are pics!!! Casey and Jojo is that a band? And what about Jack Osbourne you dont like him?
I don't usually name my birds, but I have a few that are named. My showgirls are Jujubee and Adore after RuPaul Dragrace Queens. My kids named the two silkies Silver and Silver Nugget. I named the two chicks I successfully hatched for the first time Cassandra and Nick. Cassandra is after that skin person (the last pure human) on Doctor Who because I had to help her hatch and kept having to moisturize her. Nick is after Nick Andros on The Stand because he didn't make a sound the whole time in his egg and several hours after he hatched. He peeps just fine now.

From left to right, Silver Nugget, Adore, Silver, and Jujubee

Cassandra and Nick

I almost forgot my favorite guy, Little Roo. I got him as a spur of the moment chick purchase when I picked up a pig. He was the best rooster. Sadly, a raccoon got him this past summer.

Cassandra!!!!! love it!!! Cassidy is a cool name that I always loved. Im sorry about lil roo, what breed was he? Love that nn silkie!!
I name the cocks I am keeping. I also name birds that I can easily identify wether by looks or personality. Usually the ones by looks are named after friends and people who are serving as ministers/missionaries that I support as a reminder when I see that bird to say a quick prayer for them.

Like Banti, some name themselves by personality and stand out from identical birds like me Georgie (curious) did even though she looked just like the other two BR there was no mistaking her.
Current names include Jay, Robbie, Josh, Jody, Jamie, Cheryl, Jade, Kristy, Rory, and several that will be named now that I have selected my keepers.
Kristy is my Fav name out of them all!! who is she???
Only the memorable ones get names. My avatar roo is Jack. So, obviously, all of his sons are named Jackson. Only one of this year's pullets got a name. Named by hubby, who is SO NOT A FARMER! He called her Nosey Nellie when she was under foot while he did a needed repair on the coop. So, Nellie, it is. Middle names are Nosey, Noisy. This weekend, a flock of 19 wild turkeys came calling. The turkeys were all afraid of the chickens, and the chickens weren't so sure about the turkeys. They observed each other from opposite sides of the garden fence. All, that is, except for Nellie. She trotted around the garden fence to get a closer look. Scared those turkeys into the woods.
lg!!!! where have you been hiding!!! I missed you!

Jack is lovely!! I love Noisy Nosey Nellie!!! What no pics for us!!
Having a small flock of pet bantams, yes my girls have names.

I also go with singers but, being an all girl flock, just females.

Their stories are on My Chicken Page [link below] but in summary we have:

Cilla [Cilla Black] aka GodCilla when broody.
Dusty [Dusty Springfield] aka Dustbin or garbage guts.
Blondie [Blondie: Debbie Harry] aka Blondzilla when broody.
LuLu [Lulu] aka Louie Luigi.
Crystal [Crystal Gayle] aka Chrissie.

Sadly we have lost a few girls over the years; they were Brittney, Suzi, Tina and KiKi

They also know their names which I was able to teach them by saying their name each time I gave them a meal worm or treat. Now, if I say their name when giving treats, that girl will know it is her turn and step closer or lean forward etc.

oh WOW!!! I love Blondie and lulus looks the most!! they are all beautiful!!!! What breeds do you keep?
Is reba red?  :clap   where are pics!!!   Casey and Jojo is that a band?    And what about Jack Osbourne you dont like him?  :lol:

Yes, she's red. kC and Jojo are brothers. The group is Jodeci, and they sang, "Lately" in the nineties. Being a female, I changed KC to Casey.
Chaos suggested Kelly since sex is unknown. I will go ahead and name the next two Jack and... whatever the other kid's name is.

The Osbournes

Steven is in the background. The Muscovy is Aretha, the Pekin by the run is Janice, the Pekin you can actually see is Jojo and Casey is the other.

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