CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks


Sally, you are going to laugh at me... ;p

After all that seriousness? And in truth, I did and do mean every word... but?


It just so happens?

I have a bit of a naming shortage right now.

Or? Maybe a naming.... issue?

My she, as it turns out?

Is a he.


I just found out last night... and I'm certain the ID is correct; indeed, I'd suspected as much, of late; but silly me? I listened to my Vet!




Ooops: my bad. And my poor li'l darlin' Sadie, the Not-Girl.

I adore you more than ever, my gorgeous, brilliant boy...

I do not like the rhymes I can think of; I was going to research, too: to see what kind of name switch would be least traumatic for not-her.

Preserve the first phoneme? The first syllable? Keep it 'similar'? I'm certain not-she recognizes his name.

Maybe? Brave New World 'n all?

Keep it real: Sadie the One-Day Rooster.



Peace; be well,

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Sally, you are going to laugh at me... ;p

After all that seriousness? And in truth, I did and do mean every word... but?


It just so happens?

I have a bit of a naming shortage right now.

Or? Maybe a naming: issue?

My she?

Is a he.

I just found out last night... but I'm certain the ID is correct; indeed, I'd suspected as much, of late; but silly me? I listened to my Vet!






I do not like the rhymes I can think of; I was going to research, too: to see what kind of name switch would be least traumatic for not-her.

Preserve the first phoneme? The first syllable? Keep it 'similar'? I'm certain not-she recognizes his name.

Maybe? Brave New World 'n all?

Keep it real: Sadie the One-Day Rooster.



Peace; be well,

I smiled yes!! Can we see her ummm him??? It may help name!
ducks are MEAT AND CHEESE??? how on earth?
One's "all yellow like cheese" and the other looks like the color of turkey lunch "meat"

My 5 year old named them.

Sally, you are going to laugh at me... ;p

After all that seriousness? And in truth, I did and do mean every word... but?


It just so happens?

I have a bit of a naming shortage right now.

Or? Maybe a naming.... issue?

My she, as it turns out?

Is a he.


I just found out last night... and I'm certain the ID is correct; indeed, I'd suspected as much, of late; but silly me? I listened to my Vet!




Ooops: my bad. And my poor li'l darlin' Sadie, the Not-Girl.

I adore you more than ever, my gorgeous, brilliant boy...

I do not like the rhymes I can think of; I was going to research, too: to see what kind of name switch would be least traumatic for not-her.

Preserve the first phoneme? The first syllable? Keep it 'similar'? I'm certain not-she recognizes his name.

Maybe? Brave New World 'n all?

Keep it real: Sadie the One-Day Rooster.



Peace; be well,


With 'Sadie the Cleaning Lady' being a well known song [Well, here in Aus, not sure about the US] while not preserving the first phoneme or syllable, what about Butler or Jeeves?
[edited for content: 8:50 EST Sat]

Oooh.... methinks?


I'm over 30 and only JUST beginning not to feel personally responsible for, and guilty of having invented, White Privilege.

I think? Jeeves? Not quite PC, in my part of the... well? UNIVERSE?!?


Please? No Esperanza, either.

She put me to bed when I was a little girl; I loved her. Dearly and sincerely.

I had no concept of reality, none. We don't; we're kids: That's kinda the WHOLE POINT...

GUILT? Oy, that I do have... Misplaced? Probably. Try telling that to my guilt, tho.

Man, Esperanza?

That'd catapult me into 30 years of therapy, at LEAST. ;0)


Guys: pressing issue: in all seriousness: I'm seeking help or guidance with aspirin dosing; receiving no luck; do NOT want a link: yes, I can read, too; I'd like to talk to someone.

This is all brand new for me: like BRAND new.

I am about to try administering aspirin to a cockerel; do you have any experience in guestimating weight? Could he be only 12-16 oz at age 13-15 weeks? That's what I'm guessing. Less than a pound.

I believe a bantam something-frizzle-barred rock mix... I CANNOT do huge amount of water... the recipes I'm finding online call for solutions/dilutions.

I'd like to try a portion of a baby aspirin; do not, obviously, want to hurt him.

I bought the baby aspirin today; about to try a splint, too, want to give aspirin first.

I had never even met a live chicken until a few weeks ago. Argghh... Nervous as all livin' get up.

I gave him yoghurt and sweet potato {cooked} prophylactically about an hour ago to help sooth any GI issues; if aspirin causes upset.


He's in pain.

Sorry, thought you might know.

A rescue/{ and, at least until he heals: indoor pet, effectively}/first chicken ever; me: newbie.

Thank you!!!!

I need, then to try my hand at a foot-toe-claw splint... not broken; not quite curly toe looking: undiagnosed but Vet, the one who thought Sadie was a girl? Thinks gout. I have my doubts; regardless? Definitely painful. It tends to flare up; get better, get worse; and she was attacked by a canid. Long story.

I am very, very nervous; and concerned for her wellbeing, as well as for her life.

Might you be familiar with aspirin dosing?

If not, I gotta run; go research some more; I just didn't just want to take off with no fanfare or warning; I've enjoyed meeting you {guys}, and our conversation, immensely.


O, and the bear? Not mine. ;p

Did love hanging right outside my front... and only... door this entire summer, tho...

Sadie? An INDOOR chique; at least for now. Bears. A whole family. Sheesh! I wonder what's coming next?

Did I mention that I am not FROM Vermont? That I'm a City Girl?

Wild animals? Uhm. Those are those things that one sometimes sees in movies, right? Like, with eyes n' stuff, but are not dogs?


Uh huh.



OUT of my mind and WAY over my head; and trying to save a baby chicken....



Thank you, guys...
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Oooh.... methinks?


I'm over 30 and only JUST beginning not to feel personally responsible for, and guilty of having invented, White Privilege.

I think? Jeeves? Not quite PC, in my part of the... well? UNIVERSE.



Please? No Esperanza, either. Se put me to sleep when I was a little girl; I loved her; I had no concept of reality, none. We don't; we're kids. That's kinda the POINT...

But man, that'd catapult me into 30 years of therapy, at LEAST. ;)


Guys: pressing issue: in all seriousness: I'm seeking help or guidance with aspirin dosing; receiving no luck; do NOT want a link: yes, I can read, too; I'd like to talk to someone.

This is all brand new for me: like BRAND new.

I am about to try administering aspirin to a cockerel; do you have any experience in guestimating weight? Could he be only 12-16 oz at age 13-15 weeks? That's what I'm guessing. Less than a pound.

I believe a bantam something-frizzle-barred rock mix... I CANNOT do huge amount of water... the recipes I'm finding online call for solutions/dilutions.

I'd like to try a portion of a baby aspirin; do not, obviously, want to hurt him.

I bought the baby aspirin today; about to try a splint, too, want to give aspirin first.

I had never even met a live chicken until a few weeks ago. Argghh... Nervous as all livin' get up.

I gave him yoghurt and sweet potato {cooked} prophylactically about an hour ago to help sooth any GI issues; if aspirin causes upset.


He's in pain.

Sorry, thought you might know.

A rescue/{ and, at least until he heals: indoor pet, effectively}/first chicken ever; me: newbie.

Thank you!!!!

I need, then to try my hand at a foot-toe-claw splint... not broken; not quite curly toe looking: undiagnosed but Vet, the one who thought Sadie was a girl? Thinks gout. I have my doubts; regardless? Definitely painful. It tends to flare up; get better, get worse; and she was attacked by a canid. Long story.

I am very, very nervous; and concerned for her wellbeing, as well as for her life.

Might you be familiar with aspirin dosing?

If not, I gotta run; go research some more; I just didn't just want to take off with no fanfare or warning; I've enjoyed meeting you {guys}, and our conversation, immensely.


O, and the bear? Not mine. ;p

Did love hanging right outside my front... and only... door this entire summer, tho...

Sadie? An INDOOR chique; at least for now. Bears. A whole family. Sheesh! I wonder what's coming next?

awww first off what is his condition score? I will keep posting for you let me find what your in need of
Used as a general treatment for reducing distress conditions of birds (fever or listlessness) that accompanies many diseases.
Dissolve five (5 grain) aspirin tablets in one gallon of water.
Offer this solution free-choice to the birds for the duration of an illness. The solution aspirin equivalent to 25 grains/gallon or 324 mg/gallon of drinking water. The dosage rate is about 25 mg/lb body weight per day.

Its ok to mix this gallon up and use a syringe to feed her it... she is still going to get the dosage to help DO NOT aspirate her by putting down her throat, just in her mouth let her drink it.

ps book mark these two links

Solutions used for poultry post #49689

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