Chicken has neck bent or head upside down somtimes

The chick is alive however O think it got worst because now the body is really hot and its moving its head rapidly while having curved downward.

Glad you get help, but by day two you probably feel desperate to get food in her. You can also try some smashed balls of fish like tilapia or bass because it's pure protein and vitamins, and nice and soft so it cannot get stuck and suffocate them. You can roll it around in medicated feed as well. It is just the perfect consistency for them to swallow.

Like the instructions above say, basically shove a ball of it to the back of their mouth as far back and down the throat as you can where she will reflex and swallow it, like you see wild birds feeding their newborn chicks. Even with a fully paralysed neck, I never had to tube feed as she still could swallow.
Yesterday my silkie chick began to walk a bit funny and tuck it’s head into its belly. Now the chick has its head bent down ward and sometimes has it’s head upside down. Intially i thooght it had something stuck in its throat but nothing. Tomorrow im planning on taking it to the vet because i cant seem to know whats wrong with it.
My hen screamed one day during a rape from the rooster. Next day we noticed she can't see from one eye and she began twisting her head sideways to get a wide view. Over next 2 days it got worse until she twists it completely upside down and falls over. Five days in she does somtimes walk well and eat seeds but anytime she drinks water she twists her neck upside down to swallow. She dies the same when things approach her. I think this all began from a peck to her head, but there was no sign of injury that we could find. Her eye also looks ok and pupil responds to light, but she just can't see anything with it.
My hen screamed one day during a rape from the rooster. Next day we noticed she can't see from one eye and she began twisting her head sideways to get a wide view. Over next 2 days it got worse until she twists it completely upside down and falls over. Five days in she does somtimes walk well and eat seeds but anytime she drinks water she twists her neck upside down to swallow. She dies the same when things approach her. I think this all began from a peck to her head, but there was no sign of injury that we could find. Her eye also looks ok and pupil responds to light, but she just can't see anything with it.
Follow the advice in this thread.

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